Lost all PC entity info since latest version of HAos

So I had all my sensors setup and working perfectly so I could keep an eye on what my laptop that is running HAos is doing, but since the last update (I am on 2024.1.2), which they seem to be coming fast and furies now, they all show this:


I take it this is the System Monitor integration?

If you read the release notes you will see that this has moved from YAML to the UI.

It should have imported your existing sensors so that you can delete the yaml. Check Settings → System → Logs. There will be a message about this.

Obviously something has gone wrong with the import in your case.

Go to Settings → Devices & Services. Do you see a System Monitor integration card there?

If so, what entities does it contain?

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Thanks for the fast reply tom. Yeah I read the release notes so I # out all the sensors as show in attached screenshot. I checked the logs and it says nothing about the computer sensors. I do have the System Monitor integration card and it worked after the first update that was released this month but has since stopped working, it now shows unavailable, see attached screenshot:

Are there any errors in your log related to this?

Non at all… I did a complete reboot of the PC and that did’nt fix it.

I’d try deleting the integration from the UI and re-adding it. Maybe with a restart in-between.

Did not seem to help but then again my brain is fried for today so I will take another look at the system tomorrow and see if I can figure it out when I am able to think and see clearer. Thanks for all the help tom. :+1:t4:

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Just out of interest, did you also update HAOS to version 11.3 recently?

EDIT: there should be a fix for this in the next core patch release (2024.1.3). Something to do with OS 11.3 and storage mounting errors stopping the whole integration.



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Yeppers! I am running 11.3

Thanks for finding that! I will wait for the core patch to be released.

I have a similar problem. After the “upgrade” of YAML to UI-configuration (why does this have to be exclusive? But that’s another topic I don’t want to go into detail about now :innocent:) the System Monitor entities disappeared from my area-based dashboards. Before, I assigned an area “Citadel System” to all devices/entities that monitor HA’s host. And after 2024.1.0, this area is empty except one template_switch I added to the mix:


All system monitor entities are still there and report (presumably) correct values when I go to Settings → Devices → System Monitor:


After the migration I reset all interesting entities to use the device’s area (which should default them to the area “Citadel System”), but that also didn’t help.

When I go to the Area (Settings → Areas), the device “System Monitor”, my template switch and the RPi Power sensor thingy are listed, but nothing appears on the standard lovelace dashboard anymore.


So if this gets resolved or someone already has resolved that problem, I’d be psyched to know about that.


HA OS 11.4 will be released shortly (tomorrow I think) which should fix the problem with CIFS / shares stopping System Monitor from loading correctly.

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System Monitor entities are set as diagnostics and as such don’t appear on automatic dashboards (anymore). They need to manually added to dashboards to appear.

:confounded: Sure, that thing I seemingly forgot. That probably changed with either the actual migration to UI or with 2024.1. Doesn’t matter, at least I do know the reason now, thanks.

Damn. Might have to actually build some dashboard now…

11.4 fixed it. :+1:t4: :partying_face: