Lost all Zigbee devices after core 2024.5.2

Need help. After up grade to last ver of home assistant, core update 2024.5.2 Zigbee is lost.

Zha tell failed setup, will retry. I use sky connect dongle. I also lost openthread.

I have no ide what to do. Matter device works.

Restored backup. Zigbee not coming back.

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I have the same problem with Sonoff stick and ZHA on HA Blue

okay, so the culprit isnt the Core update but latest OS Update, Ive downgraded both and zigbee is back after OS downgrade

Nope, I have upgraded both, ZHA works fine. :point_right: Look in your logs :point_left:

Same problem here with Sonof and ZHA - it failed to setup. I cant find the cause in the logs. Also the Shelly intergration failed to setup

Update: Sonof was failing for other reason. I got my zigbee devices back by fysically powering the RPI off and on. After this my automations failed, which was solved by copying the automations to a txt file, make the automations empty, reboot and put the copied automations back and reboot again. Not sure why but this did the trick

put back my old sonoff zigbee stick. configure ZHA. restore backup. zigbee is back. do not know why it is back. but it works. as long as it works I do not want to try skyconnect stick. If it works, do not repair

My zigbees disappeared too. A hard power off and on seems to have brought them back…