Lost / forgot username and or password for web gui

As per title, so I connected a monitor and keyboard to my Pi3b and logged in to a ha prompt using root at the login prompt.

From the ha prompt is there anyway I can see or recover my log in details in HA.

Try this:

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Thanks, when doing it at an ha prompt it fails at
docker exec -it ha bash to open to the container command line

After entering the cmd , it takes me to a listing on how to use docker.
Also throws an error while executing rootCmd: unknown shorthand flag: ‘-i’ in -it

Then I entered ‘login’ at the ha prompt and this time after entering the first line, it returns, ‘no such container ha’ and also ‘docker.exec’ requires at least 2 arguements.

So what am I doing wrong

You seem to be running the Home Assistant OS, so the docker/container section of the documentation is not relevant.
Have you tried this?

To reset a user’s password, via console

If you know the username, but not the password and you can access the Home Assistant console and use the command below:

Connect a keyboard and monitor to your device.

auth reset --username existing_user --password new_password

If you don’t know the username, try this:

  1. type login at the ha > prompt
  2. cd to your config directory (where configuration.yaml is located)
  3. grep username .storage/auth

Thanks, but what I did was to rename the /.storage folder to /.storagebak, then loaded up HA, which created another /.storage folder. I then connected my esp device to my computer with the connected addons and they were showing up in HA’s web gui.
That took me about 10 minutes tops.

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Thanks for this. This is a real solution with not that many words. I really appreciate that.


Thanks! Worked for me.

I think the location of this config file is critical information.

I don’t run Home Assistant OS myself (I use Container), so I wasn’t sure where it keeps its configuration.

This should find it, but it might take a while:

find / -name configuration.yaml

Feel free to post where you found it on your system.

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it’s in /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant


For anyone who is trying to get their head around HAOS check the following link. It might be a useful short reference for what you are looking for, and it is enhanced over time based on feedback.

Just want to say thanks. I followed these directions and they worked flawlessly.

Hi… I know its an old post… but I’ve just encountered the same problem and have hit a wall here.
I’m locked out of HA, and don’t have the API saved anywhere, so trying to reset my password with this method. I get, Unknown error, see supervisor.
Any idea what could be the cause or what I could try?

Uncertain what you problem is, but wild guess the following might assist:

Yeah I just discovered this today this seems like a very stupid thing to implement had I known I would have this issue I would of saved it. What if you just delete the mtqq addon and start over?