Lost in recovery mode

Hi All, so I was looking for my zigbee network key, but never got to find it, as I messed something up with the file editor and I dont know how to fix it. After a reboot I’m stuk in recovery mode with the following findings that I need help to recover from:

  1. The recovery message:

  2. The log files that I can find:

  3. The configuration.yaml file that I’m able to find, I suspect it should be longer, but I don’t really know because this was my first time using the file editor and I cant seam to find the folders that the file is pointing to, so I suspect I must be doing something wrong… But again I have no clue what went wrong, I tried to use the backup files generated with updates, but that does not seam to change anything… Wiered I thought it was a safe backup that I could use if anything went wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated!

So I managed to figure out the problem my self from finding another configuration.yaml file. The problem is the word homeassistant in the first line. That word pupped up when selecting different things in the select trigger platform dropdown list which I don’t understand the putpose for anyway. After that I must have pressed the read save button, which I didn’t know what was either…
At the end I deleted the content of line 1 and just left it empty, clicked save and restarted.
Now I’m going to make a full backup, as all it seams to do at upgrades is a partial backup which is not always enough.