Lost media player views after 0.28.2

Hmm, bit perplexing and for the life of me cant’ see the error. I have three media players set in their own yaml.

- platform: kodi
  port: 8080
  name: Kodi
  user: kodi
  turn_off_action: suspend
- platform: cast
- platform: samsungtv
  name: Living Room TV

I’ve then included that in my config.

#                                                  #
#                     Includes             #
#                                                  #

###  Devices  ###
binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
media_player: !include media_players.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
switch: !include switches.yaml

I have a media tab which used to show the media players but now nothing. Has something changed with how they are to be formatted?

If I start with a blank configuration.yaml and drop in the following, that works.

  platform: cast

Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi, can you paste the errors that you get from the log?

I suspect that it might be related to the kodi media player. Just to try, can you remove the user: and password: lines and then restart HA?

Do you have user and password set in Kodi? If not, remove the user and password lines.
BTW, there was a change in the Kodi component and the user is now named username.

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Thank you! It obviously pays to diligently inspect every aspect of the release notes pertaining to your devices. The user field is now username but if the fields are defined, you cannot have a blank password. Prior to 0.28.2, this was possible. I changed user to username and defined the password as None (identified in the logs). I’ve suggested a change on the Kodi instructions page.

I appreciate your help. My media devices are back.