I have been running Home Assistant for half a year or so for my alarm. All has been well. We are running on an Rpi, and have installed DuckDNS and NGinx per https://help.konnected.io/support/solutions/articles/32000023964-set-up-hass-io-with-secure-remote-access-using-duckdns-and-nginx-proxy?gclid=CjwKCAiA-f78BRBbEiwATKRRBLL6gzPz1XjTQ16gBgVlNh7w-HtzQaEmDWl2C2FVdcI2VXqLKnhiXBoCSx4QAvD_BwE
We are now on a trip, and halfway through the trip have lost remote connection, mostly.
I use the HA Android app, but also was able to connect via browser in my android or laptop, at https://[mydomain].duckdns.org. We lost connection, and have been unable to restore. Unfortunately, I did not set my router to pass through SSH, so I have limited ability to do anything.
I asked my neighbor who is cat watching to reboot the Pi, but that did not solve.
Within the house on the local network (using http), the wall-mounted tablet (running WallPanel) still communicates ok.
From my tablet on the road, the app indicates “Unable to connect to home assistant”, with wait, refresh, and settings. It does display the HA logo (behind the pop-up) with a “retry” link.
From tablet in browser, it would render the top blue bar and the HA logo, with retry link. If I hit retry, then it would try to go to https://[mydomain].duckdns.org/lovelace, and would say “This site cannot be reached”, might be down or may have moved permanently to a new web address. I tried deleting cached data from the browser, which logged me out, so next try was same sequence (HA screen but no connection, then cannot be reached), except now the site is https://[mydomain].duckdns.org/auth/authorize?xxxxxxx where xxxxxx is a bunch of stuff, probably related to my key.
It would appear therefore that the router at home is not the issue, it seems to be passing me through to the Pi. But the Pi is not allowing access, though it serves up the logo.
Now for the strange part. Despite not being able to log in via the app or browser, I am still getting notifications via the app. When neighbor goes to feed the cat, I get a notification that the door opened, and the alarm is disabled.
So clearly the path is open, and we are getting some communication, but the web interface does not work. It does appear to work within the home (http, not https).
I have port 443 forwarded through the router to HA on the Pi. I think 80 and 8000 are redirected to camera system, but I don’t recall for sure.
I suspect that it has to do with the certificate. Some posts have indicated that cert may need to be renewed. Others indicate that should be automatic. If this is the case, how do I do that, and if needed, can you give explicit enough instructions that neighbor could do it from the wall panel? (Although that account may not have privileges). If not the cert, what else should i look at?
On the Pi I am running the Hassio image installation.
Oh, I also tried going direct to my home IP without Duckdns, same result
Thanks for any insights. Even if I have to wait until I get home, at least with your help I can resolve this.