Lost sensors after upgrade

I upgraded powercalc yesterday. I fixed the issues, but I lost sensors along the way to energy, sun2 and . Here is my watchman report. Everything was working right before the upgrade. Did I miss a configuration change and if so can you point me in the right direction.


-== Missing 1 service(s) from 34 found in your config:
| Service ID | State | Location |
| switch.turn_ | missing | automations/main_floor/TurnOnOffCoffeeMachine.yaml:13 |

-== Missing 34 entity(ies) from 548 found in your config:
| Entity ID | State | Location |
| sensor.energy_consumed | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:10,15,20,25 |
| (‘Energy Consumed’) | | |
| sensor.solar_energy_produced | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:33,38,43,48 |
| (‘Solar Energy Produced’) | | |
| sensor.energy_to_battery | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:56,61,66,71 |
| (‘Energy to Battery’) | | |
| sensor.energy_from_battery | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:79,84,89,94 |
| (‘Energy from Battery’) | | |
| sensor.energy_to_grid (‘Energy | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:102,107,112,117 |
| to Grid’) | | |
| sensor.energy_from_grid | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:125,130,135,140 |
| (‘Energy from Grid’) | | |
| sensor.water_meter_70375411x06 | unavail | utility_meter.yaml:148,153,158,163,168 |
| 4 (‘Water Meter 70375411X064’) | | |
| sensor.time | missing | templates.yaml:69 |
| sensor.sunset | missing | templates.yaml:70 |
| sensor.sunrise | missing | templates.yaml:72,74 |
| sensor.average_kw_used_last_ho | missing | templates.yaml:143 |
| ur | | |
| sensor.average_kw_used_last_12 | missing | templates.yaml:167 |
| _hour | | |
| sensor.average_kw_used_last_24 | missing | templates.yaml:191 |
| _hour | | |
| sensor.minimum_kw_used_last_24 | missing | templates.yaml:214 |
| hour | | |
| sensor.maximum_kw_used_last_24 | missing | templates.yaml:240 |
| hour | | |
| sensor.upstairs_temperature | unavail | sensors.yaml:77,98 |
| (‘Upstairs Temperature’) | | |
| sensor.wash_power (‘washing | unavail | sensors.yaml:244 |
| machine power’) | | |
| sensor.bar_fridge_power (‘bar | unavail | sensors.yaml:252 |
| fridge power’) | | |
| sensor.coffee_bar_power | unavail | sensors.yaml:260 |
| (‘coffee bar power’) | | |
| sensor.storage_fridge_power | unavail | sensors.yaml:268 |
| (‘storage fridge power’) | | |
| sensor.study_monitor_power | unavail | sensors.yaml:276 |
| (‘study monitor power’) | | |
| sensor.downstairs_average_temp | missing | appdaemon/custom_widgets/tempwidget/temperature_example.yaml |
| erature | | :4 |
| climate.upstairs (‘Upstairs | unavail | automations/WindowsDoorClosedTurnOnClimate.yaml:19,26,36 |
| Thermostat’) | | |
| switch.zone
| missing | automations/outside/WaterLawnWRepeat.yaml:25 |
| input_number.zone | missing | automations/outside/WaterLawnWRepeat.yaml:30 |
| switch.turn
| missing | automations/ha_control/TurnOnWaterForHousekeepers.yaml:19 |
| sensor.greeting (‘greeting’) | unavail | .storage/lovelace:565 |
| sensor.main_floor_average_temp | missing | .storage/lovelace:780 |
| erature | | |
| sensor.upstairs_average_temper | missing | .storage/lovelace:783 |
| ature | | |
| sensor.house_average_temperatu | missing | .storage/lovelace:786 |
| re | | |
| sensor.date_time | missing | .storage/lovelace:827 |
| sensor.total_watering_time | unavail | .storage/lovelace:882 |
| (‘Total Cycle Time’) | | |
| sensor.average_kw_produced_las | missing | .storage/lovelace:2537 |
| t_hour | | |
| sensor.average_kw_produced_las | missing | .storage/lovelace:2548 |
| t_24_hour | | |

-== Report created on 18 Jul 2023 00:00:00
-== Parsed 95 files in 0.67s., ignored 0 files
-== Generated in: 0.07s. Validated in: 0.00s.

My configuration is below:

Home Assistant 2023.7.2
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest

And below are some of the sensors. This is from my included files

# Part of the Day
- sensor:
  - name: "greeting"
    unique_id: "greeting"
    state: >-
      {% set state = states('sensor.time') %}
      {% if states('sensor.sunset')| as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') <= state < '23:59' %}
      {% elif '00:00' <= state < states('sensor.sunrise')| as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') %}
      {% elif states('sensor.sunrise')| as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') <= state < '08:00' %}
      {% elif '08:00' <= state < '17:00' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

#Add the time_date platform
- platform: time_date
    - 'time'
    - 'date'
    - 'date_time'
    - 'date_time_utc'
    - 'date_time_iso'
    - 'time_date'
    - 'time_utc'
    - 'beat'

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Average used over the last hour
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- platform: statistics
  name: "Average kW Used Last Hour"
  entity_id: sensor.powerwall_load_now
  state_characteristic: mean
    hours: 1
  sampling_size: 720
  precision: 3

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Average used over the last 12 hours
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- platform: statistics
  name: "Average kW Used Last 12 Hour"
  entity_id: sensor.powerwall_load_now
  state_characteristic: mean
    hours: 12
  sampling_size: 8640
  precision: 3