Lost the ability to remotely connect to my HAOS server

Not long ago, I started learning the Home Assistant system. I set up remote access using Duck DNS and NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy. Mostly, I followed guides from YouTube. I managed router routing myself. Everything was set up and working for about two weeks.

At the moment, I can’t connect to the server, no changes have been made, I tried restoring from a backup (no changes were made after its creation) - it didn’t help.

Also, something strange: the Duck DNS add-on is marked as “stopped,” but according to the log, it’s still running.

The NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on appears to be working properly according to the logs.

It’s possible that there are technical issues with Duck DNS, but I couldn’t find any information about it.

Operating System12.1

How did you restore a backup without connecting to the server ?

Thank you for paying attention to my issue. I performed the restoration from the backup via a local connection. I can’t connect to the server using the server’s URL address.

What error do you get?

The endless “Loading data” screen, as well as the Duck DNS add-on being shown as turned off despite the logs provided indicating its operation, suggests a discrepancy between the display and actual functionality. I would appreciate it if you could inform me where to find more detailed logs.

I think it’s worth describing the issue from a technical perspective. Most likely, the problem lies with the SSL certificate and/or routing settings.

I have two routers connected in series. (In the router settings, I’ve prohibited changing the IP address of the second router from the server in local networks).

In the first router, I open ports 443 and 8123 and forward them to the second router.
In the second router, I forward port 443 to 8123, as well as port 8123 to 8123.

I configure Duck DNS and NGINX as follows:

