It is required to be off if you want to use ZUI.
And isn’t ZUI the standard at this point? or does it matter if I use ZUI or the Supervisor?
Your problem is currently in Z-Wave JS UI. It helps to understand how the pieces interact, here’s the diagram from the integration docs:
The boxes are different components. The Z-Wave integration is connecting to the Z-Wave JS Server over a TCP connection (websocket). Your error indicates that the integration (HA) cannot connect to the server which is provided by Z-Wave JS UI. ZUI is listening for client connections (which is HA), not the other way around. Which means the fault is currently in Z-Wave JS UI. HA won’t work until you correct that component. Usually this means the add-on cannot connect to the USB stick or it’s failing to startup.
No, ZUI is provided as a “community” add-on. They are not official add-ons, but maintained separately. The “community” designation is pretty weak though.
I recommend keeping ZUI, it has many more features and debugging capabilities than the official add-on.
I’m getting multiple updates right now - each time I do one or two updates, I get more. I’m guessing, since I had not had time to look at HA for a while, that it’s catching up. So I’ll get all those installed (since they include ZWave and ZWave JS) and see if that helps.
I was using ZUI. I checked my other HA instance to see what’s running there. (I have one in the house and one in the barn.)
Thank you for the background accompanying your diagram to help me understand just what’s going on. From what I see, there are two ZWave JS add-ons I can use, one with the “UI” added and one without? So you’re using the one with the UI and it looks like that’s the one I’ve been using, too. (Some of this sounds familiar, but once I got my system set up and working, I had to move on to other things and it’s been at least 6 months since then, so I’ve forgotten the details.)
Yes, there are two add-ons, but you can also run outside of add-ons, e.g. external Docker containers, Ubuntu Snap, bare-metal binary, etc… For add-ons, I always recommend Z-Wave JS UI since it has more features and it’s easier to troubleshoot. Either add-on provides the same exact functionality to HA itself.
Just did the ZWave JS UI update. Whenever I get to that update, I get this:
By “This,” I mean the “Entity not found.” I see that before I click to install the update, then afterwards. It’s been like that for months, but it’s kept working. I’m not sure what is not found. Anyway, thought I should point that out. Now that it’s updated, this evening I can do more with troubleshooting.
I have both ZWave JS UI and ZWave JS installed. The latter, the one you’re not recommending and, I think the one I was not using, does have an entry in the sidebar, so, after not using it for a long time, I forgot that’s not what I want to be using. That’s the one I had been trying to start. (It’s really confusing, if you’re not close to the situation, to have two add-ons with such similar names!) So can I delete the ZWave JS addon without a problem? I would think getting it out of the way would help. (Also, any way to get ZWave JS UI up as an entry on the sidebar instead?)
ZWave JS UI is working now. One device shows as dead. It’s charging and may be out of range. However, the ZWave integration is not working. I get this from the integration:
And if I click on Configure, I get this - now different, without a host listed:

And here’s the ZWave JS UI logs:
2023-10-04 17:46:48.199 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-19 => 2
2023-10-04 17:46:48.200 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-20 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.201 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-23 => 8287
2023-10-04 17:46:48.202 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-24 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.202 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-26 => 20
2023-10-04 17:46:48.203 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-33 => 90
2023-10-04 17:46:48.204 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-34 => 60
2023-10-04 17:46:48.204 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-38 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.205 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-39 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.206 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-40 => 2
2023-10-04 17:46:48.207 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-41 => 62
2023-10-04 17:46:48.209 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-42 => 80
2023-10-04 17:46:48.210 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-43 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.211 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-46 => 68
2023-10-04 17:46:48.212 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-48 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.213 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-49 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.214 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-52 => 23312
2023-10-04 17:46:48.214 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-54 => 3454
2023-10-04 17:46:48.215 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-55 => 11038
2023-10-04 17:46:48.216 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-61 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.217 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-112-0-62 => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.218 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-114-0-manufacturerId => 335
2023-10-04 17:46:48.219 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-114-0-productType => 21570
2023-10-04 17:46:48.220 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-114-0-productId => 21558
2023-10-04 17:46:48.222 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-128-0-level => 100
2023-10-04 17:46:48.224 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-128-0-isLow => false
2023-10-04 17:46:48.225 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-134-0-libraryType => 6
2023-10-04 17:46:48.226 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-134-0-protocolVersion => 4.5
2023-10-04 17:46:48.227 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-134-0-firmwareVersions => 1.0,2.16
2023-10-04 17:46:48.229 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Value added 5-134-0-hardwareVersion => 1
2023-10-04 17:46:48.246 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 005] Ready: Nortek Security & Control LLC - GoControl GC-TBZ48 (Z-Wave Plus Thermostat)
2023-10-04T21:46:48.247Z CNTRLR Retrieving priority route to node 5…
2023-10-04T21:46:48.251Z CNTRLR [Node 005] The node is ready to be used
2023-10-04T21:46:48.253Z CNTRLR « [Node 005] ping successful
2023-10-04 17:46:48.493 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Is alive
2023-10-04T21:46:48.496Z CNTRLR [Node 011] The node is alive.
2023-10-04 17:46:48.513 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-37-0-currentValue => true
2023-10-04 17:46:48.514 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-37-0-targetValue => true
2023-10-04 17:46:48.516 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-113-0-System-Hardware status => 0
2023-10-04 17:46:48.517 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-113-0-alarmType => undefined
2023-10-04 17:46:48.519 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-113-0-alarmLevel => undefined
2023-10-04 17:46:48.520 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-114-0-manufacturerId => 371
2023-10-04 17:46:48.521 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-114-0-productType => 3
2023-10-04 17:46:48.523 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-114-0-productId => 2
2023-10-04 17:46:48.524 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-134-0-libraryType => 3
2023-10-04 17:46:48.525 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-134-0-protocolVersion => 4.24
2023-10-04 17:46:48.526 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-134-0-firmwareVersions => 2.9
2023-10-04 17:46:48.527 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Value added 11-134-0-hardwareVersion => 255
2023-10-04 17:46:48.529 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 011] Ready: Leak Intelligence, LLC - LGZW (Water Valve Control)
2023-10-04T21:46:48.530Z CNTRLR Retrieving priority route to node 11…
2023-10-04T21:46:48.534Z CNTRLR [Node 011] The node is ready to be used
2023-10-04T21:46:48.537Z CNTRLR « [Node 011] ping successful
2023-10-04 17:46:48.601 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 006] Is alive
2023-10-04T21:46:48.602Z CNTRLR [Node 006] The node is alive.
2023-10-04 17:46:48.611 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 006] Value added 6-114-0-manufacturerId => 59
2023-10-04 17:46:48.613 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 006] Value added 6-114-0-productType => 1
2023-10-04 17:46:48.614 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 006] Value added 6-114-0-productId => 1129
2023-10-04 17:46:48.617 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 006] Ready: Allegion - BE469ZP (Touchscreen Deadbolt Z-Wave Plus)
2023-10-04T21:46:48.619Z CNTRLR Retrieving priority route to node 6…
2023-10-04T21:46:48.622Z CNTRLR [Node 006] The node is ready to be used
2023-10-04T21:46:48.624Z CNTRLR « [Node 006] ping successful
2023-10-04 17:46:48.760 INFO Z-WAVE: Next update scheduled for: Thu Oct 05 2023 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
2023-10-04T21:46:52.029Z CNTRLR [Node 008] The node did not respond after 1 attempts, it is presumed dead
2023-10-04 17:46:52.032 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 008] Is dead
2023-10-04T21:46:52.034Z CNTRLR [Node 008] The node is dead.
2023-10-04T21:46:52.038Z CNTRLR [Node 008] ping failed: The node did not acknowledge the command (ZW0204)
2023-10-04T21:46:55.466Z CNTRLR [Node 010] The node did not respond after 1 attempts, it is presumed dead
2023-10-04 17:46:55.470 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 010] Is dead
2023-10-04T21:46:55.472Z CNTRLR [Node 010] The node is dead.
2023-10-04T21:46:55.476Z CNTRLR [Node 010] ping failed: The node did not acknowledge the command (ZW0204)
[17:46:57] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
s6-rc: info: service discovery successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
2023-10-04 17:47:05.627 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 13.940 ms - 191
2023-10-04T21:47:19.493Z CNTRLR [Node 017] The node did not respond after 1 attempts, it is presumed dead
2023-10-04 17:47:19.495 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 017] Is dead
2023-10-04T21:47:19.497Z CNTRLR [Node 017] The node is dead.
2023-10-04T21:47:19.497Z CNTRLR All nodes are ready to be used
2023-10-04 17:47:19.498 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Scan completed
2023-10-04 17:47:19.499 INFO Z-WAVE: Network scan complete. Found: 12 nodes
2023-10-04T21:47:19.513Z CNTRLR [Node 017] ping failed: The node did not acknowledge the command (ZW0204)
2023-10-04T21:47:19.514Z CNTRLR » [Node 017] querying node info…
2023-10-04T21:47:19.516Z CNTRLR » [Node 017] pinging the node…
2023-10-04T21:47:20.350Z DRIVER unexpected response, discarding…
2023-10-04T21:47:46.010Z CNTRLR [Node 017] The node did not respond after 1 attempts, it is presumed dead
2023-10-04T21:47:46.014Z CNTRLR [Node 017] ping failed: The node did not acknowledge the command (ZW0204)
2023-10-04T21:47:46.020Z CNTRLR [Node 017] Interview attempt (1/5) failed, node is dead.
2023-10-04 17:47:46.021 ERROR Z-WAVE: [Node 017] Interview FAILED: The node is dead
2023-10-04 17:47:52.764 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 4.213 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:48:22.949 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.449 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:48:53.134 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.220 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:49:23.299 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 3.457 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:49:53.468 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 3.443 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:50:23.651 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 3.211 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:50:53.825 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 4.748 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:51:23.998 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.819 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:51:54.183 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.043 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:52:24.364 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.275 ms - 191
2023-10-04 17:52:54.525 INFO APP: GET /health/zwave 301 2.072 ms - 191
The entry in the sidebar is Z-Wave JS UI. You turn that on and off from the Z-Wave JS UI add-on page. The official add-on doesn’t have a UI at all (HA is the UI), so no reason for a sidebar entry. I would have named the sidebar entry “Z-Wave JS UI”, but it’s not my add-on.
So can I delete the ZWave JS addon without a problem?
You can delete the Z-Wave JS add-on if you’re fully configured to use ZUI, which is seems you are from the original post. It should not be running at least.
However, the ZWave integration is not working. I get this from the integration:
You’ll have to look in the HA logs to see if there’s any corresponding error.
Going in a different direction.
Usually when something goes wrong, I want to know what it is, so I can prevent it in the future or know how to fix it if it happens again. But I don’t have much time now.
If I save my configuration, then re-install HA, and load the saved configuration, will that new instance be exactly like the one I have now in terms of device names, automations, scenes, and so on?
Well, the problem is in Z-Wave JS UI not HA, at least according to what’s been posted so far. So I don’t know what a re-install of HA would accomplish. I suspect it would just fail the same way.
What’s puzzling is that I have two instances of HA, one without issues in the barn, and this one in the house. Both are set up the same. The difference is the different devices connected to each one. I have no idea what went wrong, but I’m reaching the point where I won’t have time to work on this issue anymore because I need that time for my wife’s business, starting my own, and a few other issues. (Free time? What’s that?) So if I can find the problem within gaps in my schedule in the next few days, great, but if I can’t, I’m going to just have to let it sit there for several weeks until I can come back to it.
(This is why I’m wondering if I need to find a commercial solution. I like HA a lot, but the updates are frequent and each update carries the risk of bugs or knocking out Insteon or ZWave. Keeping HA in good shape requires a LOT of time. I can be lucky enough to go 6-8 weeks without a problem, but when they hit, it means a lot of things I count on stop working.)
Okay, I am using the side panel menu that we talked about and it does bring up the proper addon. (I deleted the other one.) I could see it is reading my Z-Stick and my ZWave devices are mapped out. It’s operating a websocket at port 3000, but when I go to the ZWave integration, and click on the three-dot-menu on the right side of the panel that comes up, for some reason Use ZWave Supervisor is selected. I don’t remember clicking on that, but I was up very late last night and am working on less than 4 hours of sleep, so let’s just say I probably picked it by mistake, while exhausted.
So uncheck that box and click “Submit.” It asks me for the URL. The existing value is ws://core-zwave-js:3000. I click submit and, after a bit of a wait, it says it failed to connect. So that’s probably the root - why it’s not connecting.
I also figured that since I’m poking around, I should make sure I have a backup of the config and checked my SambaBackup. It hasn’t been saving daily backups for a while. I checked over settings and tried to have it make a backup. The log entries are not clear - just a lot of symbols it couldn’t find. It’s one of those things that makes sense if you know the software, but not if you don’t. My other system is making regular backups, still. So I compared the settings between the two (they make their backups to the same network share, just in different directories). All the settings (other than the directory where each saves its backups) are exactly the same. It works on one, not on the other.
That’s got me wondering. I run HA on Raspberry Pis and the one with the issues is using a USB stick as the main drive. I’m wondering if it could be going bad or there could be another issue with this Pi. It just seems odd this problem came up out of the blue and seeing that one Pi can connect with a Samba share and the other can’t and the only difference in the configuration for the two is one directory name, something is messed up in it.
ZWave JS UI acts like it’s on and working, but I can’t connect to the websocket. In my system logs, I get this:
So it’s a configuration issue. The device listed is my Z-Stick, so it’s pointing to the correct device. The keys are correct, but this sounds like it’s having trouble parsing the configuration data to me. I can’t see just what is in the dictionary it gives that would be a problem.
That log means you are configured to use the official add-on.
How do you get that? Is it because it’s a bad value because it can’t access that device, which means the other add-on is using it?
I had deleted the official addon. It was gone and when I went to ZWave and clicked the 3 dot menu and picked “Configure,” I was trying to unselect the box for that addon, but the next step was the configuration, using the websocket on port 3000. It never let me get past that because it couldn’t access the socket.
So I’m guessing that it got reinstalled - remember I said I must have selected it for use without realizing what I was doing and I guess it’s just not giving it up. I see, from the link, it’s more complex to remove the official addon than just unchecking that box and removing it. I’ll try that.
It literally says “Z-Wave JS add-on” in the error message.
The integration doesn’t manage Z-Wave JS UI add-on, it manages the official Z-Wave JS add-on. That’s what the “Use Supervisor” checkbox means. It seems you’ve changed things since your first post, because that errors shows configuration for Z-Wave JS UI.
You say you have this as the web socket:
That’s wrong for js UI.
Read the guide linked above carefully
Good catch, I missed that had been done.
Checking “Use Supervisor” skips asking for URL because it’s configured for core add-on. Checking this means the add-on is configured for you, by the integration, and the integration will do all it can to make sure the official add-on is installed and running, no matter what you do to it.
Unchecking “Use Supervisor” lets you input your own URL and installation of the core add-on is no longer performed.
→ URL for official Z-Wave JS add-on
→ URL for Z-Wave JS UI add-on, which is clearly documented
The above is just a repeat of the docs.
If you get a connection error when trying to configure the URL for ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000
, it means either the add-on is offline, or it has failed to start the Z-Wave driver properly, which goes back to the original posts. Recent issues like the soft-reset failures or the unsolved boot loop problem are possible causes.
Ugh - still getting confused between that and the same with the UI on the end. (This is also a problem with my reading disability - the short version is that similar words or symbols are very confusing to me. When I used to program in Perl, it could take me 45 minutes to find where I used a colon instead of a semi-colon at the end of a line because they are so similar in appearance. It’s REALLY frustrating!)
Wen through that and used @cadwizzard’s tip to help. The info about using the MQTT port was above the link location on that page and I had figured that since I had it configured in the past, that the port it was giving me was what I had been using. Used the MQTT port (ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000
) and it’s connected.
It’ll be this evening before I can check everything out, but it seems like it’s back online now. Just makes me wonder what knocked it off. (I’m guessing had auto-update set somewhere I didn’t realize it was on.)
One good thing is that going through this helped me find that the Samba backup was not backing up like I thought it was. That’s fixed, which is good.