I’ve updated my HA on docker from 102.3 to latest yesterday.
After resolving some issues on mqtt (loop connections on mqtt broker, resolved removing the client-id from config), I’ve noticed a strange thing about my zigbeee devices controlled via zigbee2mqtt.
First of all, I’ve not updated zigbee2mqtt so seems not related in there.
I’ve noticed that my zigbee devices now appears on HA with its “friendly_name” as id, and not more with it’s original ID.
After renaming the device on zigbee2mqtt some weeks ago all went well on HA, even after HA restarts. HA has updated only the friendly name and maintained the id. After this last update I’ve lost those devices and found they are registered with its friendly name, not more with it’s zigbee address and friendly name as description. This deletes my history. I don’t know it’s related to the mqtt issues I had, but shouldn’t.
I.e. I can find a light into ‘core.restore_state’ twice: one with original name:
"entity_id": "light.0x000d6ffffe17ea41_light"
and the other with it’s new wrong name:
"entity_id": "light.luce_corridoio_light"
Something changed with this update?
Is there a way to recover them?