Looking for a bit of advice. Just started playing with new RPI4 (4GB) and runs quite nicely. I used a Samsung Class 10 SD Card (32GB) which was lying around and seeing quite a bit of IOWait in Glances.
Not being very familiar with IOWait did some reading and i do get it doesnt necessarily only point to SD Card but looking for some pointers.
From what i can see, CPU is doing nothing but lots of IOWait. I presume its SD, but any other takes?
I’m on 32bit version.
I do believe that this is possible related to a slow sd card. The one i’m using is class 10, but i dont believe it has any real performance and going to try a new install on a A2 card rather.
Also holding out for USB booting support on RPI4, as this would anyway be the longer solution for logging and metrics monitoring.