Lots of missing integrations on Home Assistant 0.117.5

I’m currently running HA Core 0.117.5 on my RP4. I’d like to install several integrations but many cannot be found with my running HA, despite being listed on the https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/

For example: Android TV, notification, IFTTT, etc.

I’m very new to this. Did I miss anything in my installation?

Define ‘cannot be found’?

You may be under the mistake impression that all integrations are installed via the UI, using Configuration > Integrations.

Some integrations are installed by adding information to the configuration.yaml file and then restarting Home Assistant. For example, the Android TV integration is installed in this manner and its documentation explains what must be added to the file:

Or maybe the OP is confusing addons with integrations - someone else did this last week…

Possibly, but the OP listed these integrations:

For example: Android TV, notification, IFTTT, etc.

Yes I know but that doesn’t mean he was looking for them in integrations and not addons… as I said someone else did exactly that last week… if they are ‘missing’ I just bet he is looking for them in the wrong place