Love Lace Card for Temperature Heating Automation

I have switch actuators for the floor heating which I have integrated via mqtt in ha

example mqtt heating

  • platform: mqtt
    name: KitchenHeating
    command_topic: fhem/set/Kitchen.Heating
    payload_on: on
    payload_off: off
    state_topic: fhem/set/Kitchen.Heating/state
    state_on: on
    state_off: off
    availability_topic: fhem/connection/status
    payload_available: connected
    payload_not_available: disconnected
    icon: mdi:hydraulic-oil-temperature

I also have temperature sensors which I also integrated via mqtt in ha

example mqtt temperature sensor

  • platform: mqtt
    name: kitchenTemperature
    state_topic: fhem/kitchen.Sensor.temp/temperature
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    icon: mdi:thermometer
    value_template: ‘{{ value | round(1) }}’
    expire_after: 25000
    availability_topic: fhem/connection/status
    payload_available: connected
    payload_not_available: disconnected

Then I have two automations per heating entity

turn heating on when temperature is lower than

example automation for heating on

  • id: 16000000
    alias: heating on kitchen
    • platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.kitchenTemperature
      below: 20
      hours: 0
      minutes: 20
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
      condition: []
    • service: switch.turn_on
      • switch.heatingkitchen
        mode: single

and switch heating off when temperature is higher than

example automation for heating off

  • id: 160000001
    alias: heating off kitchen
    description: ’
    • platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.kitchenTemperature
      above: 21
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
      condition: []
    • service: switch.turn_off
      • switch.heatingkitchen
        mode: single

So far so good, the automations work as they should.

Now I want to create a love lace card for the user interface which allows to set the temperature values for heating on (20°C) and heating off (21°C).

Something like a thermostat display where I can set heating on (20°C) and heating off (21°C).

I am not sure how to create this Love Lace card.

Have you tryed this? Generic Thermostat - Home Assistant

then you dont need automations and can use the built in generic thermostat card. :wink:

What hardware did you use for HA to recognize your switch actuators? Tell me more, thanks

ok thanks.

i will try this…


  • platform: generic_thermostat
    heater: switch.heatingkitchen
    target_sensor: sensor.kitchenTemperature
    min_temp: 20
    max_temp: 21
    ac_mode: false
    target_temp: 20.5
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 0
    seconds: 5
    minutes: 3
    initial_hvac_mode: “off”
    away_temp: 16
    precision: 0.1

Or should i do any customaziations?

just read that document carefully and set, as you want it :wink:

in a household I usually set min_temp to 17 and max_temp to 25 - that is the thermostat range, you can move between, when setting target on the lovelace card.

i think, you confused this with tolerance, so you need to set cold_tolerance and hot_tolerance to 0.5 to reach the goal that you aimed.

the target_temp would become a standard, and after you set up the card, you can adjust it with a slider.

Why not using scheduler component and lovelace card for it.

I use that with my smart thermostats to set desired temperatures through the week.

Ok thank you guys.

The generic Termostat works fine.

Now I will try to shedule them.