Lovelace: Advanced calendar card

Hey, I will take a look and check this isnt a bug as soon as I get chance.

I’ve been considering removing the color options as feel they bloat the card and could be set with themes or card mod.

I would much like to have the option to display different calendar entities with different colors, that’s how I can have my work and my private calendars in the same card and differ what is what.

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Yes depending on how you want it to look that can be done with the color options under the entity.

I’m slowly moving everything to classes so that it’s easier for people to customise with card mod. I feel that would offer way more customisation of the look than I could ever provide with options, also so many options can already be confusing.

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I’m putting my word in for this situation as well.

I can report that it works fine for the 1.9.0 version (I’m on HA v113.1) but anything past that my event titles all look like @VMCosco’s

The most recent update has remedied the issue for me.

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I have a strange problem. On a rpi connected to a 7" screen, the calendar card shows the wrong times, it backdates the times with one hour. Is that something to do with my time settings on the pi?

That is possible, the card gets the time from what is set for HA (at least it’s supposed to)

I would double check the time on the pi, if it’s correct let me know and I’ll do some digging to try figure out what’s happening.

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It was the timezone for the pi that was set for London instead of Stockholm :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what has changed in the config options but my monthly view calendar doesn’t display the same info that it did before.

In my config I have some icon filters for my work schedule that had worked up until recently.

This is my config:

      - type: "custom:atomic-calendar-revive"
        name: "My Work Calendar"
        defaultMode: 2
        firstDayOfWeek: 7
        calEventIcon1Filter: days
        calEventIcon1: mdi:weather-sunny
        calEventIcon1Color: green
        calEventIcon2Filter: nights
        calEventIcon2: mdi:weather-night
        calEventIcon2Color: red
        calEventIcon3Filter: DD
        calEventIcon3: mdi:star
        calEventIcon3Color: orange
          - entity: calendar.my_gmail_com
            type: icon1,icon2,icon3

and this is how it looked on V1.9.0:


now when I updated to the recent version it looks like this:


as you can see all of my icons are now gone.

looking thru the docs I don’t see the configuration options for the icons as I have them anymore. The icon color options are there but the filters themselves aren’t.

Have those been removed? or changed?

I don’t see it mentioned in the thread anywhere (tho I could have missed it)

Any info on what happened or what I need to change to get it working like before again?

Please always read the release notes before upgrading


Sorry, but even HA announces breaking changes in the forums.

And it doesn’t help that the docs and release notes don’t contain the same info and are in totally different locations.

Apologies that you feel this way, I have made it as clear as possible following standard documentation techniques. The reason I don’t update the forums is due to primarily using GitHub as my working platform, the forum is mainly for discussion and ideas around the card (I also don’t like duplication as it causes confusion and multiple locations to update)

Release notes are updated for every release on GitHub with breaking changes listed (you should always check release notes before upgrading anything), Any breaking changes I always put a warning in the readme which is visible during upgrade via HACS and on the GitHub repo.

Documentation is all stored on Github Pages which again is the recommended location.

Unfortunately I don’t think I would be able to make this any easier as im limited by the systems that are in place.

The documentation is all up to date, the only issue I found was that I didn’t remove the iconfiltercolor options, which will now be removed in the next release.

If you know of any way that I could make this clearer in documentation etc. please do let me know as I always want to make things as easy as possible for users.

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The best way would be to have a “breaking changes” section on the docs page somewhere.

if an application has a specific documentation site then I don’t go to the github repo for documentation. I go straight to the documentation site. Which is what I assume the author wants me to do since they went to the trouble to create it in the first place. And if the documentation site exists it should be fairly comprehensive - which includes listing breaking changes. It’s not reasonable to expect that users go to the github site to look for possible breaking changes when literally everything else about configuration of the app is on the documentation site.

Not only that but the announcement of the breaking changes in the readme (which I just went to look at) has no indication where the breaking changes are even cataloged. I would have assumed it would have been on the docs site. I never even thought about it being buried in the releases section of the repo.

And I really don’t know what it hurts to throw a quick “Just an FYI, I updated the plugin and there are breaking changes you will want to look at. please see…for further information.” on the forum thread specifically about your plugin.

But that’s just MHO.

I’ve got it working again, tho.

Thanks for making your plugin compatible with CalDAV and not only Google as other solutions! Many Mac-Users will appreciate your effort :wink:

I would like to only display todays events, but setting maxDaysToShow: 1 seems to take a whole 24 hours from now? Would it be possible to have a “today” option for it?

Hey thanks for this, ive logged in github, this is actually a bug.

By using number 1 it adds an additional day to the start date, rather than just going to the end date. 2.2.3 will have a fix for this.

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I am happy to announce that we have a new version available: v2.2.6 is now available through the HACS Store.

Outstanding Bugs
Feature Requests
Previous Release Notes


EDIT: Working after giving it some time/reboots/browser refresh…

Thanks for the great work in this development! I tried to get the colors in event mode now that you implemented it, from the changelog i read “Event mode will now show the calendar color when calendar name is used”, so I assumed that I needed to set “eventCalName” for it to be used, but so far no colors. What am I doing wrong?
my config:

  - color: cyan
    eventCalName: xxx
  - color: green
    eventCalName: xxx
  - color: pink
    eventCalName: xxx
  - color: orange
    eventCalName: xxx
  - color: purple
    eventCalName: xxx
maxDaysToShow: 3
maxEventCount: 15
showLocation: true
showMonth: false
showWeekDay: true
showLoader: true
showDate: true
showDescription: true
sortByStartTime: true
type: 'custom:atomic-calendar-revive'
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Nevermind, the colors showed eventually, probably som caching in the browser.

is it possible to set the color of events (calendarentries) depend on whether the event is today (in red) or tomorrow (in orange) or in 3 days (yellow)?