Lovelace: Advanced calendar card

Update 2.3.2 is expanding the calendar again.
Works ok on 2.3.1

Hi Guys,

can anyone help me please.

In lovelace i have this Information:

The calendar can’t be loaded from Home Assistant component

          - type: 'custom:atomic-calendar-revive'
              - entity: sensor.familie_event_1
               top: 36.5%
               left: 68.31%
               width: 50%

The card will only work with calendar.xxxx

ok thank you

Since update to HA Core 0.116 and Atomic calendar revive 2.5 I get “The calendar can’t be loaded from Home Assistant component” Any idea where to look for the source of the issue?


Does this work with a non-Google calendar? I’m using the iCal integration to create a calendar which displays ok with the built-in Lovelace calendar card, but I get no events displayed with your card…
(The built-in lovelace card had almost no config options hence wanting to use yours…)

I have tested with Google calendar and caldav. I haven’t with any other types.

Hi Great work.
I get the calendar, but cant get it to show icons for the events on the calendar as icons.

Can someone guide me?

My code is:

              - type: "custom:atomic-calendar-revive"
                enableModeChange: true
                defaultMode: Calendar
                dateFormat: L
                maxDaysToShow: 30
                firstDayOfWeek: 1
                sortByStartTime: true
                showDescription: true
                showNoEventsForToday: true
                  - entity: calendar.xxxxxx
                    entity.icon: "mdi:flag-variant"
                    entity.color: red
                  - entity: calendar.xxxxxx
                    entity.icon: "mdi:circle-edit-outline"
                    entity.color: green
                  - entity: calendar.helligdage_i_danmark
                    entity.icon: "mdi:home"
                    entity.color: orange
1 Like


Remove the entity. From before icon, it’s like that in the docs to show the icon is a child of entity.

So it should just be:

- entity:
  icon: 'mdi:blah'
  Color: blue

Ahh so
entity.icon and entity.color in docs (2.0.0) is the same as

- entity:

thx marksie1988 it works now.
But how can I changes the calendar layout/colors, what do i need to add in my main code?

Personally I would recommend using card-mod and then amending the CSS in the styles that you want.

the options in the calendar card are limited and I’ve seen people get better results using card mod.

This one ?
Lovelace Card Mode

Yes that’s the one

Hi, aleady found this component and it works good for me except one thing:
Does anybody have an idea to get rid of these until… information?
By the way: what does it mean? The event comes from my garbage collection calendar and is an all day event

Good morning. Calendar is being used in Dwains Dashboard. I’m trying to determine why the Day of the Week isn’t showing, e.g., Tue, Wed, Thu. Is there an option that I’m missing in the documentation to turn this on. Code is the following in page.yaml in my Dwains Dashbaord config:

- type: custom:dwains-heading-card
  title: {{ name }}
- type: custom:atomic-calendar-revive
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border-radius: 5px;
      background-color: var(--dwains-theme-primary);
    .cal-titleContainer {
      display: none;
  showProgressBar: false
  eventBarColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
  dayWrapperLineColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
  timeColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
    {{ (data | fromjson)['calendars'] }}
  maxDaysToShow: 30
  showColors: true
  showMonth: true

Hi all,
I’m new to this but i got most up and running.
Now i’m trying to add the atomic-calendar-revive card and get this error when configuring/adding the calendar card:
No card type configured.

  • type: ‘custom:atomic-calendar-revive’
    name: IceHockey
    • entity: calendar.brynas_matcher

any ideas or pointers?
Installed with hacs.
Google calendar card works.

// Hans

did you find an answer to this? Latest release reintroduced this and I haven’t found the configuration parameter to remove it.

Hey, this usually happens if the card isn’t loaded correctly, best way to check is to see if you have an entry in the browser console for atomic-calendar-revive with the version number.

If you don’t have this then there is an issue with loading the js file, check in the browser debugger that the aromic-calendar-revive.js file is present.

I’ll check when I get a chance. For now, I dropped back a version and the “until information” went away.

The from/to dates had been changed and now, ‘until:’ shows the right information. So I kept the information. No idea how to switch it off.