Lovelace: Alarm card

if you are using the standard alarm panel then add this to your configuration.yaml

code_arm_required: false

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After 0.106 my panel stopped working. Has anyone found a solution?

106.0 and 106.1 haven’t affected the Alarm Card for me.

Mine is also dead after latest update:
Getting this error: Cannot add property scale, object is not extensible

What makes this better than the built-in panel?

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Nice I changed it to the built-in panel and all works now.

Did the same. Thank you.

From what I can tell, you can hide the keypad, and better display the current state of the entity, as well as a few other options that are not part of the built-in card. As of right now, I can’t get this card to work, and, the built-in card doesn’t seem to be working properly either, as I can’t get it to display the current state, as per the docs.

what’s it showing?

I noticed hiding the keypad isn’t an option, but what would be the point of having the panel w/o the keypad? As for the current state it seems pretty clear to me, you can leave out the name and it will display the current state in plain text for you.

It is just showing the alarm entity name.

on a mobile device, clicking the code field brings up the device’s keyboard to enter the code, thereby saving space.

This is what is not working for me, it simply displays the alarm entity name.

Ah I do see that now. Looks like a frontend bug, you should report it on github :slight_smile:
You could also request a “hide keypad” flag too

I haven’t tried it but one of Thomas’s custom cards (switch-card?) allow to control what to display depending on a type of device (mobile/PC), size of the screen etc so it might be an option.

This is the version I am using. It’s an updated version as the original developer doesn’t seem to be around. I am not seeing any issues using this on 106. Make sure you try this version first.

I am trying the [JumpMaster/custom-lovelace] version however I am also getting Cannot add property scale, object is not extensible.

the inbuilt card works OK. Not sure if it helps however the below is showing up in my log (url masked). I am not an amazing programming so any pointers would be appreciated.

frontend.js.latest.202002205] https://**********/local/custom-lovelace/alarm_control_panel-card/alarm_control_panel-card.js?20200304v07:1:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘AlarmControlPanelCard’ has already been declared

I would like to display on the state of my alarm ( readonly).
i’ts possible to hide all button ?
like this :


It’s a Lovelace card, isn’t it? This integration doesn’t have one so you can use anything you can find at your own risk (as they won’t support all the features available) and it’s totally depends on a card used what you can do with it.
Could you explain what exactly you want to achieve - just to display the alarm’s state as a badge?

Yes just display the alarm’s state as a badge

There are many ways of doing that but apparently most of them rely on custom cards.
For example, these 2 cards seem to do roughly what you need

type: entities
  - type: custom:template-entity-row
    name: ''
    state: ''
    image: >-
      {% set state = states('') %}
      {%if state == 'disarmed' %}
      {% elif state == 'arm_away' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

type: custom:button-card
size: 32px
show_name: false
show_icon: false
show_entity_picture: true
entity_picture: >-
    case 'disarmed': return '/local/disarmed.png';
    case 'armed_home': return '/local/home.png';

as they just display different images depending on the alarm’s state.

I’m a complete noob here, and looking for some guidance. I have the alarm card installed, it’s able to get triggered when a door opens (the card showes that it was triggered) but I am unable to have it activate the siren.

The only customization I have done is changing the passcode and panic passcode, as well as added sensors to each of the areas.

I’m leveraging the bwalarm.yaml file. Here’s what it looks like

platform: bwalarm
name: House
  hide_sidebar: 'True'
  round_buttons: true
  enable_sensors_panel: enable
  enable_fahrenheit: true
  panel_title: Home
  hide_sensors: 'True'
  hide_passcode: true
  enable_clock: 'True'
  cameras: []
  enable_weather: true
  enable_serif_font: false
  shadow_effect: true
    - binary_sensor.aeotec_recessed_door_sensor_7_contact
    - binary_sensor.front_bedroom_window_contact
    - binary_sensor.front_door_contact
    - binary_sensor.garage_entry_contact
    pending_time: 40
    warning_time: 60
    trigger_time: 300
    immediate: []
    - binary_sensor.garage_entry_contact
    pending_time: '5'
    warning_time: '60'
    trigger_time: 15
    override: []
    immediate: []
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: 0
    warning_time: 0
    trigger_time: 600
admin_password: test
enable_persistence: true
enable_log: true
code: '1234'
panic_code: '4321'
passcode_attempts: '5'
passcode_attempts_timeout: '300'
#- !secret contact_opened
#- !secret contact_tampered
- name: aaa
  warning_color: '#995BFF'
  pending_color: '#FF2943'
  disarmed_color: '#FF22E6'
  triggered_color: '#FF0000'
  armed_home_color: '#C1B1FF'
  armed_away_color: '#FF8686'
  armed_perimeter_color: '#DAFF9E'
  active: false
  action_button_border_color: '#3ED5FF'
  enable_mqtt: true
  payload_arm_away: ARM_AWAY
  override_code: false
  state_topic: home/alarm
  payload_disarm: DISARM
  command_topic: home/alarm/set
  qos: '0'
  pending_on_warning: false
  payload_arm_home: ARM_HOME
  payload_arm_night: ARM_NIGHT
code_to_arm: false
enable_night_mode: false

This is connected to a kit as well as an aeotec door/window sensor

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mate, why didn’t you ask in the appropriate topic? and it has nothing to do with Lovelace, it’s just how to react to alarm’s change of state. take a look at the examples.