Lovelace: Alarm card

I have a question, probably stupid, if I manually add from my keyboard the code and I click to arm the alarm,it doesn’t work.

Is that normal even if the keypad is hidden?


What kind of alarm can control this Lovelace. Is there any one in particular compatible with home Assistant?

Check our the ha components list for all supported devices.

everytime I add this card, the card is blank

My buttons are displaying weird since 0.88 upgrade, i have lost the icon in the top right corner.

The card is still usable, but it looks not good now

Any idea to solve this? Thanks.

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Thank you @JumpMaster :bowing_man:

I tried your card, and have 1 question and one issue.

  1. It looks exactly the same as the standard one, is it just a coincidence?
  2. It does not show the keypad when armed, tried both “hide_keypad: false” and “show_keypad: true”
    Here how it looks like

My code is

type: 'custom:alarm_control_panel-card'
show_keypad: true

I run 0.89.0, browser Chrome 72.0.3626.121 64-bit
I’m hoping to get better buttons than those you can see on the right of my screenshot.


I’m not op. But yes the idea is to look like the original with extra features.

The keypad should show if you’ve defined code = 1234 (or another code) in your configuration.yaml

I know that you’re not the op :wink:
Do you mean that I need to define code inside my alarm entity?
If yes, then it’s already there (I’m using this alarm)
And the original one shows the keypad, but this one doesn’t…

Might be a new “feature” in 0.89. I haven’t upgraded yet.

Same here :frowning:

Too many “nice” features from HA team recently… :frowning:
How can we find out for sure?

Looks like all having issue on HA 0.89.1. Same for my side.

Comparison between Original 0.89.1 (alarm-panel) and Lovelace 0.89.1:

Hope this can be solved asap.

Hello @Wilky13, use the code from @JumpMaster and empty your cache. It worked for me.


Just to confirm, you are testing on HA 0.88 or 0.89?


I have upgraded to 0.89.0 and 0.89.1. My version of the card is working without any issues.

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Finally it is working now.

Looks like it is due to browser cache issue, cause this weird displays issue.

Anyway, is there any way I can change the label icon to old big icon for keypad like below?


You mean the icon/shield in the top right corner which shows the arm state? The new icon is the same size except the circular border is larger to accommodate the state text.


Sorry for wrong explanation that caused confusion.

I am referring to following keypad style (Right hand side).


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