Lovelace: an awesome modified tv-card with touchpad and haptic feedback

I was experimenting tv-card recently for my Samsung Smart TV and also met Touchpad-Card and also took a try of it for a while.

Both of them are really cool but, for me, not cool enough to pick only one of them and stuck with it.
What i was missing in tv-card was some haptic feedbacks and the genius touchpad from Touchpad-Card (which has haptic feedback)
In touchpad-card i was missing the keys and customization of tv-card

Then i decided to do some modifications in tv-card to bring the touchpad and haptic feedback, but then i got some other ideas and ended up in creating this cool fork of tv-card which has:

  • Haptic feedback on every interaction (with my favorite being on the slider mentioned below)
  • Slider for volume control (using slider-card)
  • The awesome touchpad that supports, among with navigation gestures, long press (that repeats the command) and double click
  • Customizable layout, so you can choose the order of rows and buttons
  • Much easier setup (i hardcoded most options, but still letting us choose whether to use the buttons or not, as well as where to put them)



How do I go about installing it? I have only every installed stuff using HACS

For now you can install manually: check this guide

It will be available through HACS as soon as this PR is merged

I am finally getting around to playing with this though I am having some trouble integrating a Roku tv with it. Right now I am just trying to figure out how to send the power command. here is what I have:

  - type: custom:tv-card
    entity: media_player.43_tcl_roku_tv
    #title: Example 2
      icon: "mdiPowerCycle"
      action: call-service
      service: remote.toggle
        entity_id: remote.43_tcl_roku_tv

      - power

If a go to the developer menu I am able to call that service and it works fine.

And I now see that my indention is off.

@mdb17 there’s no “action” neither “target” in the params. The documentation for custom buttons describe how to call services within buttons. It’s not the same format of developer menu.
This should work:

  - type: custom:tv-card
    entity: media_player.43_tcl_roku_tv
        icon: mdi:power-cycle
        service: remote.toggle
          entity_id: remote.43_tcl_roku_tv
      - power
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Is this project dead?
I dont see any replies from author on GitHub.

Is it possible to customize the touchpad part of this card to operate some media player other than the Samsung tv? While all buttons can be modified, there is no instruction of how to modify the use of the touchpad part.

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I second this. Thought I hit the jackpot when I found this project. Sadly, after hours of fiddling I also cant figure this out. Touchpad is definitely the way to go for navigation.

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Hey, I don’t know if you still need a touchpad but I was able to modify the tv-card from this thread to work with services. I also got it working with desktop applications which was fun to implement. Here’s a screenshot:

I haven’t released it or set up a visual config but let me know if you’re interested.

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Yes i do still need a touchpad for media control. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

I’m super interested! I was trying to get this to work with Android TV and service calls last night.

Edit: Nevermind. Got tired of waiting and made my own fork that supports Android TV. The originals are so well made that I barely had to modify anything.

Should I make a new project thread for this?
Edit: New project thread for android-tv-card


It’s the best control I’ve used ever, but may be we can get a wake-on-lan feature like the smart things integration? Power on doesn’t work with your control, if the TV was off for more than 4h and not in deep sleep anymore. It’s off.

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Is this project still alive?

Yeah, it is! It is currently being rewritten to React with a GUI editor for the options


Any updates on the rewrite?