This may or may not be possible. If it is im not aware of it. It would be cool to have a way to have the lovelace ui or maybe even a dashboard change based on a automation… Backgrounds for daytime and night time… or even a custom dashboard for the time of year like christmas or halloween because some lights and lovelace ui items might not be needed all year long. Just a thought for developers. Not sure if its a thing or not.
You can already hide or show cards using the conditional card. You could also create other dashboards for seasonal pieces.
Interesting… So if i wanted this to be conditional based on a date range how would I accomplish this? I see that it can be set for a state of a entity like a light but not sure how you could do a date range. So like say from thanksgiving to new years every year for the christmas lights to show up.
You can create an entity (sensor or a binary sensor) representing the state of your described condition and display (using a conditional card) what you want based on the value (state) of that entity…
Also check out the third party state switch card (more options than the core conditional card):
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