Lovelace: Banner card

Sorry should have tried some more. Was able to accomplish this with map_state. Shown below incase anyone has the same issue as me.

      'on': open
      'off': closed

Hi All,

I’m still struggling to get a group of lights to act like a Switch, it shows the state of the group rather than a switch. Any ideas? Full details: Lovelace: Banner card

I have the exact same question. Is it possible to have a toggle for groups?

This is really a great card. Thank you for all the hard work!

Is there a way to add volume control to the media player?

How do you round the cards?

Install card-mod custom card and then use the following

    style: |
      ha-card {
        border-radius: 5px;

I don’t know about the others but I copied and pasted from here -

im trying to use the “map_state” within lovelace.
however when i try and map the state ‘idol’ it doesnt seem to work.
i keep adding a quote ’ for idol, but when i save, i lose it. It does work when i do ‘off’ however?

  - entity: climate.xx_office
    attribute: hvac_action
    name: Temperature
      idle: 'mdi:radiator-off'
      'off': 'mdi:radiator-off'

How can I get Netflix to appear as playing? It knows it’s doing something as the controls appear. Works fine for TV or Plex.


  - entity: light.bedroom_3
    name: Light
  - entity: switch.bedroom1_2
    name: Gemma Lamp
  - entity: switch.bedroom3_2
    name: Stefan Lamp
  - entity: sensor.master_bedroom_sensor_temperature_measurement
    name: Temperature
  - entity: binary_sensor.master_bedroom_sensor_motion
    name: Motion
  - entity: media_player.googlehome8364
    when: playing
  - entity: media_player.bedroomtest
    size: 3
    when: playing
heading: "\U0001F6CF️ Master Bedroom"
link: /lovelace/masterbedroom
row_size: 3
type: 'custom:banner-card'

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If you create a light group instead of a normal group, it will show a switch.

You do not need quotes around idle or off. What are the two states of the entity within HA?

@andrewpc I suspect it was something silly with the groups. light group implemented and working as expected, thanks.

Nope. I don’t want to run down the rabbit hole of re-creating mini-media-player. Tbh, in that vein, I probably shouldn’t have added prev/next buttons even.

Hi, last update provides a header text-color alignment in case of dark backgrounds as I understood.
Do I have to set an attribute? It not seems to work in any case:

It was the only thing my wife claimed when I presented her the new UI for her mobile phone :slight_smile:

Interesting. I did just test with your color by picking it from the screenshot, and or me I get a readable white heading. Are you sure browser cache is not the problem?
Can you share the exact color code you used in the config?

I restarted HA meanwhile and refreshed the Browser
The color code: - background: ‘#8B0000

By the way this behavior is the same on mobile and desktop

That is the same hex as I’ve used and I certainly get a white heading so my first assumption is that you didn’t actually get the updated version. I released another version tonight (no changes to this logic in it though) so you can try to update again and see how that works.

Do you use HACS or manual?

Please share the entity state+attributes from developer tools and I’ll get a better idea about what might be happening.

It basically forwards this config to a css background so you can go as fancy as you like using url(), gradients, all the stuff! Perhaps I should showcase some of those options in the docs even though readability of heading+entities can be ruined if you make a bad choice.

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Hi, Hacs provided the update this morning. It works now.
Thanks a lot.