Lovelace: Banner card

I understand the “time” and having a hard time finding it. I love HA but it is time consuming, and I don’t even program. I spend ALOT of time trying to figure out cards lol.

ok I got the Icons to work.

  - type: custom:banner-card
    background: "#EDE7B0"
    heading: "\ud83c\udfe1 Home"
    link: /lovelace/0
 #  entities:
 #    - entity: light.tree
 #      name: Lights  

It works fine, but if I comment out the entities part I get a error. I did upgrade to the newest version.
maybe somebody else here knows if im doing something wrong. If I can’t figure it out ill post on git hub.



:beers: :beers:

This is a great card! Congratulations on the work !!! But I’d like to request a new feature. Would it be possible to add a variable in which it shows the icon and the state of the entities? It would be a third line where the written state (custom) would appear. It would also be great if we could use images instead of icons in the map_state ​​attribute

Technically you should actually be able to get images by combining a few features:

  - entity: id
    image: true
      "off": <image a url>
      "on": <image b url>

Icon + state you can log a github issue for and I might consider it in the future

I prefer a clean and unified look across the interface so I’ve modded the styling and made the banners look like the rest:

To achieve this look you need to replace the following styles in the banner-card.js:

  .heading {
    display: block;
    font-size: 24px;
    letter-spacing: -0.012em;
    line-height: 32px;
    opacity: 0.87;
    padding: 24px 16px 16px;
    font-weight: 400;
    text-align: left;
    margin: 0;
    color: var(--primary-text-color);
    width: 95%

  .overlay-strip {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;

  .entities {
    margin-top: -8px;
    padding: 0px 16px 12px 16px;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: flex-start;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    margin-left: -1px;

  .entity-value {
    display: flex;
    width: 100%;
    flex: 1 0;
    padding-top: var(--bc-spacing);
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

  .toggle {
    cursor: pointer;

Can the round buttons for the switches and lights be changed to icons that lighten and darken when toggled?

Is it possible to have different icon or text colors based on state ? Such as by default with a motion sensor where there is a motion, the icon is yellow.

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I came across this page looking for the same answer. I would like to have the icons display a different color based on state (i.e red when the garage is open and green when it’s closed). any luck with this?

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is this possible to implement?

type: 'custom:banner-card'
heading: "\U0001F6C1 Temperatura"
background: '#B0C2AA'
link: /lovelace/bathroom
  - entity: plant.planta
    name: Ficus Benjamina
    type: plant-status

anyway to solve this:
if an entity is not available, just show like that instead of error in all the card?
check below


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@nervetattoo Any news related to the PRs waiting to be merged with your repository ? Thanks for the great work !

I’m going to start by warning people I’m new to HASS, just stated playing as I’m wanting to move away from WebCore.

I’m using installed on a synology diskstation, I’m having an issue adding a group of lights to banner-card, it’s showing as a value rather than a switch.

When adding ‘group.lights_livingroom_all’ to an Entity card it displays as a switch, as in I can turn group on/off. However when adding the exact same to Banner Card it displays the value, as in text saying ‘on’ or ‘off’. I suspect it might be an issue with how I’ve set the group up.

This is my code from Banner Card:

background: '#B0C2ED'
  - group.lights_livingroom_all
  - light.bookshelf_lamp
  - entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_temperature
    name: Temp
  - entity: binary_sensor.aarlo_motion_livingroom
    name: Motion
heading: "\U0001F6CB Livingroom"
link: /lovelace/1
type: 'custom:banner-card'

Here is the code from groups.yaml:

    name: Lights.Livingroom.All
    - light.bookshelf_lamp
    - light.dinning
    - light.livingroom_mini

And finally a screenshot:

Thanks in advance!

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Anyone able to get font sizes formatting to work w/card-mod style? :

  • type: custom:banner-card
    style: |
    ha-card {
    –bc-font-size-heading: 3em;
    –bc-font-size-entity-value: 1.5em;
    border-radius: 5px;
    heading: “\U0001F6C1 TEST”
    background: “#3366cc
    row_size: 4
    - entity: switch.debug
    name: Debug

This is what I’m using:

style: |
  ha-card .heading {
    color: white;
    font-size: 2em;
    margin-top: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
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sorry, maybe a dumb question, however how did you get it to display the “apple” image, rather then the normal one (U0001F6C1) - or is this because you use a mac and thats how a mac shows the image?

Hi I don’t have an entity for this action is there a way I can do it with MQTT.

P.S I can make and entity up if need too

    background: "#EDE7B0"
    heading: "\U0001F6CB Bedroom"
    link: /lovelace/0
      - entity: automation.green_house
        name: Green House Water
        value: mdi:book-open-page-variant
            - service: mqtt.publish
              data: {"payload": "ON", "topic": "cmnd/utilities/SprinklerSystem/POWER5", "retain": "0"}

Next thing is there action I can add my
input_number:_slider_1 as a slider

thanks love the card

I’m on vacation and have been spending my time on the beach while muting everything related to tech, so I’ve not had a look at any PRs or issues no :slight_smile: Easing back to being online more now and will slowly be replying and processing everything over the coming week.


Hello to all
what is the best way to get more icons?

Hi. looks like Banner card support background image.

          - background: url(/local/home.png)
              - attribute: state
                entity: switch.pc
                  'off': 'mdi:monitor-off'
                  'on': 'mdi:windows'
                name: PC

Is it possible to have a state shown as a different text. For instance I have a door listed when open shows “on” when closed shows “off”. I would like it to say “open” and "closed. I thought the attribute key would be used for this but for some reason I am having a hard time implementing.