Lovelace: Banner card

There is an issue on git opened related to your problem and a PR ready to fix the issue.


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a fix has been released, install via hacs (it took me twice, one initial upgrade and then a ‘reinstall’ through HACS for it to work).

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Well, yes, it is achievable in a “not guaranteed-to-work in future versions” way :slight_smile:

Basically do something like this:

- entity:
  name: Idag
  image: true
  attribute: optionally_the_svg_path_from_an_attribute

The magic comes from image: true which will force the value to be rendered in a <state-badge>. You can configure this entity/attribute look-up inside a map_state as well. Heck, you can even do value: /working-url.svg to manually set the icon. Just make sure its accessible over http(s).
Now, the image in state-badges aren’t huge either but they are of a bit bigger size than the icons.

No, it is directly linked to the actual state of the entity. Changing it would be a breaking change and makes the name map_state into a bit of a misnomer. I’ll think about its implications and how it could be supported
But I see no reason why it shouldn’t also respect the attribute config. Should

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That sounds great! Will try as soon as I have the time. Thanks!

I have buttons still missing. Tried reinstall, uninstall, install… all with restarts between.

On 99.3 until IOS 2.0 is fixed… thinking that could by why buttons are not working???

Well yes. Without checking I don’t think you can use the latest release of banner-card without HA 0.100. They added a new switch button component and removed the old one which is why I had to change it. Try grabbing the previous version and see if that doesn’t do the trick for you

No dice. I installed 0.8.1 and buttons still missing.

      - entities:
          - entity: switch.garage_light
            name: Garage Light
          - entity: cover.megs_garage_door
            name: Megs Garage Door
          - entity: cover.pauls_garage_door
            name: Pauls Garage Door
          - entity: switch.driveway_spot
            name: Driveway Spot
          - entity: binary_sensor.garage_motion
                value: Clear
                value: Tripped
          - entity: sensor.garage_temperature
            name: Garage Temp
        heading: "\U0001F698 Garage"
        link: /lovelace/2
        row_size: 3
        type: 'custom:banner-card'


I can just wait for IOS 2 to be update to .100; no big deal

Thanks for posting this config, I was battling with this for a while before getting it to work by copying what you have done! Thanks!

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I did an update to 100.2 and the latest banner card, that resolved all the issues for me

No one? Really need some advice. This is an awesome card!

I can tsee banne card in my home assistant add ons store to install, do i need to add in another repository to add this in ?


Is there a way to use When: with another device status ?
I am using TV with embedded Roku, The On/Off can be done via the Remote entity
while getting the status if TV is on or off can be done from the Media_Player entity
I would like to achieve something like that:

  - entity: media_player.noam_s_room
      state: sensor.noam_tv

(sensor.noam_tv is a sensor i created:

        value_template: '{% if state("media_player.noam_s_room") == "off" %}off{% else %}on{% endif %}'

Is it possible?

The Banner Card is in the Community HACS store.
Install HACS add-on, then you’ll get the community icon in your sidebar.

Very nice layout and function on this banner-card. Only thing I’m missing is the option to change the icon from emoji to an mdi.

Reason: mdi’s are shown the same way regardless of what OS or browser you use.

Is that possible?

Keep up the nice work :slight_smile:

Thanks Andrew, i wasnt aware of this addon

Why cant I add a swith entity???

              - background: "#EDE7B0"
                  - entity: switch.lyxlage
                    name: Lyxläge
                  - entity: sensor.bt6_hw_load
                    name: Varmvattenladdning
                  - entity: sensor.alarm
                    name: LARM
                heading: false
                link: /lovelace/bathroom
                row_size: 3
                style: |
                  ha-card {
                    border: solid 1px var(--primary-color);
                    background: {% if is_state('sensor.alarm', '1') %} red {% endif %};
                    box-shadow: none;
                    overflow: hidden;
                type: 'custom:banner-card'

I would also like to remove the background color for a transparency effect. Possible?

Nobody!? I cant understand why my switches is unavailable in banner card? :frowning:
Also trying to have a Timer entityto show, but that dont either work as expected!! Why!? :frowning:

background: transparent should work but I’m not sure how it would look