Lovelace: Banner card

I have a quick question. I have a timer and in this card i can either show the state (on/off) or the time that the timer has been set (e.g. 35:00). I want to show the remaining time in real time like a countdown. I could do it with a normal card but i haven’t found a way to do it with this one… Any ideas?

PS: i thinks it would be better for if with the images of your cards to post also the code so other people can get ides or not spending time to solve problems that someone else have already solve…

Just released 0.10.0 that mainly brings support for using mdi/hass icons in headings

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does not work:

  - background: '#000033'
      - entity: light.schlafzimmer
        name: Licht
      - entity: sensor.schlafzimmer
        name: Lux
        unit: ' '
      - entity: sensor.homematic_hkt_sz_gross_temperature
        name: Temperature
      - entity: switch.ventilator
      - entity: binary_sensor.homematic_ftk_sz_fenster_gross
          'off': 'mdi:door'
          'on': 'mdi:door-open'
        name: Fenster groß
      - entity: binary_sensor.homematic_ftk_sz_fenster_klein
          'off': 'mdi:door'
          'on': 'mdi:door-open'
        name: Fenster klein
      - entity: binary_sensor.schlafzimmer
          'off': 'mdi:human-male'
          'on': 'mdi:run'
        name: Bewegung
      - entity: media_player.schlafzimmer
        when: playing
      - 'mdi:shower'
      - Schlafzimmer
    row_size: 3
    type: 'custom:banner-card'


The quotes around mdi:shower are set automatically

It sounds like a browser cache issue. If you indeed has the right version of banner-card it should print banner-card: 0.10.0 in the browsers developer tools console. If that doesn’t happen you have browser cache or a failed update. If there is no version output from banner-card it means 0.9 or lower as I just added the log output in 0.10

I think he’s right (not meant to sound patronising!)
I had the same problem and was waiting for further comments here.
I had previously tried ‘Empty cache and hard reload’ but that didn’t work.

I just reinstalled the card in HACS and all is working.

Hi guys,

I have a fan entity in the banner card but it doesn’t display a boolean switch. Is there any way to force the card to display a switch and not the state? (which is clickable)


You can set domain: switch, but it will call fan.toggle as the service call if you then click it. It uses the domain but the toggle part of the service call is hard coded for all toggles. I don’t know if the fan domain has that same signature (as lights, switch and some others)

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I want to set an icon for an entity, which changes based on the state, instead of having the default switch (i’ve done this) and also i want when i press the icon to call an action, switch.toggle or switch.on/off. I have this but when i press the icon it opens the classic window which shows when it was open, for how long etc. Any help?

  - type: custom:banner-card 
    title: Bathroom
    heading: "\U0001F6C1 Bathroom"
    show_header_toggle: false
      - attribute: state
        entity: switch.bathroom
            'off': mdi:lightbulb-off
            action: switch.toggle
            'on': mdi:lightbulb
            action: switch.toggle

Hi Raymond,

first: thanks for this beautiful card!

I wonder if you would also consider supporting climate (e.g. generic_thermostat and others) devices. I adapted your card a bit and now have the following:

What do you think? Would you accept a PR for this? The item normally shows the current temperature and if you want to change it, by clicking, you can adjust the thermostat temperature.

Yes absolutely. It should behave just like covers tbh as its pretty much the same interaction with up/down

I created a PR. This version behaves like the cover’s as you requested. I prefer though to only see the temperature and when I click the temperature, I can access the thermostat.

Is there a way to support both types (so, with the arrow’s always visible or with the arrow’s only visible if one wants to change the thermostat value)?

Great work, really love the card!

I haven’t figured out how to create a button with multiple lights without creating a group of the lights beforehand. E.g. It would be nice to be able to create scenarios by calling multiple services to multiple lights. Is this already possible in some way? Or would it be a possible feature for the future realeses?


By tapping a button or icon I:

  1. Dim the window lights to 50%,
  2. Turn on the table light in the corner of the room
  3. Turn off the ceiling lights.

Triggering a scene or a script is probably the best way to do this. You can specify .action for an entity to achieve this.

If the title of the media is too long for the card it looks like this:

How can I change this?

I’m having some trouble getting the ‘attribute’ to pull correctly for a z-wave 3-level fan switch. Here’s my config:

  - entity: light.zooz_zen27_s2_dimmer_wall_switch_bedroom_level_2
    name: Light
  - entity: fan.jasco_products_14287_fan_control_switch_level
    name: Fan
    attibute: speed

But here’s what it looks like:
The entity in question has these attributes:

Any suggestions?

You’ve typed attibute not attribute in the config you’ve shared here at least, perhaps its just that?

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It may have been that. When I fixed that today, I found one other issue: The attribute is lowercase and so the config also needed to be lowercase:

background: lightgreen
  - entity: light.zooz_zen27_s2_dimmer_wall_switch_bedroom_level_2
    name: Light
  - attribute: speed
    entity: fan.jasco_products_14287_fan_control_switch_level
    name: Fan
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Hey Guys, trying to make either MDI Icon Red or the text red, but having trouble with map state, is my syntax incorrect?

  - entity: sensor.litter_robot_litterroboto_status
    name: Litter Robot Status
      Not Ready - Drawer Full:
        value: 'mdi:gauge-full'
        name: Drawer Full
        color: red

can you show how do that?

Sorry if this is already in this post. But is there a link for where to find the hex values for all the icons? I added it to my setup and really like where its going.