Lovelace: Banner card

I can’t get the icon for the binary_sensor.ping_nas_411 to become yellow.

Any ideas?

background: '#99bbff'
  - entity: sensor.fib_smoke_sensor1_temperature
    name: Temperatur
  - entity: binary_sensor.ping_nas_411
    name: NAS 411
    domain: binary_sensor
    value: 'mdi:nas'
        color: yellow
heading: Soverom
link: /lovelace/living_room
type: 'custom:banner-card'

Yes. it is already mentioned in the discussion. However, this will save you some time:

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This looks more functional. Can we also add fan speed (you may have something there, but I don’t understand it). Can you please show us how to do this?

Excellent plugin. My dashboard now looks clean.
Sharing a screenshot.


Thanks for posting this.

Is there a way to template the Name option without using the custom card-templater card?

Would you mind sharing how you changed the colours of the header and entity backgrounds please? I really like the functionality of this card and have used it across my setup, but i’m currently doing a fresh build and would like the look to match my other cards which have a grey header and blue entity sections.


I switched to 0.110.3 and new HACS. I see blinds icons disapearing from the banner-card. They are still funtional. I can click on the "area where the icons for up/stop/down used to be and it works. However they are not visible.

Any clue?


fist time install
same happens

Try this:

style: |
  ha-card .heading {
    font-size: 2em;
    margin-top: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
  ha-card {
    border: solid 0px var(--primary-color);
    background: rgb(47,126,253,0.1);
    box-shadow: none;
    overflow: hidden;
    top: 10px;

I have this same issue, it also happens with media players. an issue has been raised on github


What does this mean?

In my configuration.yaml its look like this:

    - url: /hacsfiles/banner-card/banner-card.js?v=1
      type: module

Is there anything wrong?

And HACS show me 3 more elements that are not load properly. ^^"

Why it’s happening, no idea. However, I had it doing this for multiple other integrations, doing a reinstall of the integrations (click on the 3 dots in your screenshot) through HACS fixed them.

I had this to yesterday, just restarted home assistant and all was good.

Sorry still quite new to this. How can I make the header text size (and box) smaller, and make the colour more transparent of the section where all the temperatures will be?

Tried adding:

--banner-card-heading-size: 1em

to my theme but it made no difference, even after cache cleared and a restart

The problem is that the change from paper-icon-button to ha-icon button.

As an example changing from

<div class="entity-state" style="${this.grid(e)}">
        <span class="entity-value">

to this would fix the blinds:

      <div class="entity-state" style="${this.grid(e)}">
        <span class="entity-value">

Thanks, I’m following the github issue so seen your fix. Yet to try it though. But thanks for this!!

I tried the fix above, but it did not correct my issue with the media control icons. Is there a separate fix for that?

I’m seeing an issue where displaying an attribute leads to a different card height than displaying a state. Here’s my example:

Relevant section of Office card:

background: lightblue
  - action:
      service: fan.toggle
    attribute: speed
    entity: fan.jasco_products_14287_fan_control_switch_level_2
    name: Fan
  - 'mdi:office-building'
  - Office
row_size: 3
type: 'custom:banner-card'

Relevant section of Gym card:

background: lightsalmon
  - entity: media_player.gym_tv
    attribute: state
  - 'mdi:weight-lifter'
  - Gym
row_size: 3
type: 'custom:banner-card'

Has anyone else seen this?

Thank you for the update that just went out, cover icons are now displaying!

Also want to take a second to say thank you for such a great card. I have a default view setup which just contains several Banner Cards, one for each room in my house. This gives me a simple view of what’s happening in the house with access to key controls. Appreciate all your efforts :slight_smile: