Lovelace: Bar Card


Having problems to get different colors for each bar.
Background: I want to show colors of ink filled from my printer and display it with appropriate color.

Thanks for help, Ralf

Use card-mod

This works but with a caveat.
With card-mod I can change the colors but not one of the 3 bars.
So in the above scenario with 3 bars I had to use a horizontal-stack with 3 separate bars of which the middle one gets a different color.

Let me clarify.
The bar-card may include a list of bars (or just one bar).
Card-mod may be specified for all bars or some particular.

Card-mod may be specified for all bars or some particular.

Do you mean you can have a single bar-card with 3 bars and use card-mod to change the color of 1 of these bars? (vs. adding 3 bar-cards of which 1 uses card-mod)



type: custom:bar-card
title: different styles
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
    min: '0'
    max: '100'
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
    min: '0'
    max: '100'
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
    min: '0'
    max: '100'
  style: |
    bar-card-row:nth-of-type(1) bar-card-name {
        color: orange;
    bar-card-row:nth-of-type(2) bar-card-name {
        color: red;

Thank you Ildar!

With your example I was able to make it work for my bars.

  • The CSS had to be changed as I use direction:up and stack:horizontal
  • The actual bar color is stored in a CSS variable so this had to be changed: --bar-card-color



type: custom:bar-card
  - entity: sensor.motion_x_garage_temp
    name: Garage
  - entity: sensor.motion_x_frontdoor_temp
    name: Outside
  - entity: sensor.temp_x_living_temp
    name: Living
title: Temperature comparison
direction: up
height: 200px
min: 0
max: 28
stack: horizontal
  style: |
    bar-card-row bar-card-card:nth-of-type(2) {
        --bar-card-color: red;

As you can see I had to

  • go to bar-card-row (with a horizontal stack you only have 1 row)
  • Go through the bar-card-card's and use :nth-of-type(2) to modify the 2nd one.


…a crazy idea came to mind: why not use severity colors?
A short version of your example would look like this:

type: custom:bar-card
title: different styles
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
      - color: Red
        from: 1
        to: 99999
  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent

resulting in 3 bars with the middle one being red.

I still like the one with card_mod better, just because I can :slight_smile:


Mmm, may be, I was not thinking about settings for bars, just wanted to show how to style particular bars.

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Can someone help me on how to change the bar color (or hide it) if the entity state is “unknown”?

Kind of this:

type: custom:bar-card
  - entity: sensor.battery_samsung_p6800
    direction: right
    name: Battery
    icon: mdi:battery
  style: |
    bar-card-row {
      {% if states("sensor.battery_samsung_p6800") in ['unavailable','unknown'] %}
      --bar-card-color: var(--disabled-text-color);
      {% endif %}

Hide what?

Thanks, that works. By hiding it, I meant hiding the bar itself. I found that the “severity” option can have a “hide” option, but how do I format the boolean? hide: {{ is_state('sensor.tpms_f1a819c8', 'unknown') }} doesn’t seem to work.

  1. Check this example:
  - type: custom:bar-card
      - entity: sensor.battery_samsung_p6800
        direction: right
        name: Battery
        icon: mdi:battery
      - from: 10
        to: 20
        color: var(--disabled-text-color)
        icon: mdi:battery-alert
      - from: 21
        to: 30
        hide: true

Then change a value of the sensor.battery_samsung_p6800:
And if the value = 29:
In some cases this “hiding the bar” may not look fine for you due to it’s vertical sizes.
Probably, if the bar-card is placed between entity-rows the hiding will look better, check it by yourself.

  1. You cannot use this:
      - from: unknown
        to: unknown
  1. Here you are trying to use a template:

which is not supported.

  1. How to hide by using “card-mod”:
    Let’s consider a bar-card inside a stack:
type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun
  - type: custom:bar-card
      - entity: sensor.battery_samsung_p6800
        direction: right
        name: Battery
        icon: mdi:battery
      style: |
        ha-card {
          {% if states("sensor.battery_samsung_p6800") in ['unavailable','unknown'] %}
          display: none;
          {% endif %}
  - type: entities
      - sun.sun


Now change a value of the sensor to "unknown":
The card is not displayed but still there is vertical spacing after the hidden card - which leads to a DOUBLE spacing.

Also you may try using a custom:state-switch card.

Cool! Thanks so much for the help.
Another question, if I may: it seems that the bar-card cannot display the label, or any other attributes of the entity. What would be the best way to go to display for example the label below the name? I am experimenting with vertical stack, but I do not want a spacing (card borders) between the name and the label.
Forever in your debt :slight_smile:

Please give a picture made in MS Paint or whatever of your desired design))

Something like this. Obviously with the temperature sensor for each wheel.

1st bar - what is on the top, what is on the bottom? What is added?

Sorry, you’re right.
The bar card is the tpms sensor, name is on bottom, value (state) is on top, the card has min-max value set to 200-300 kPa.
I’d like to add the temperature and potentially a last_changed value at the bottom for each sensor. The temperature is an attribute of the corresponding tpms sensor.

Additional info may be added by using card-mod.
See examples here.

These are examples for horizontal bars, a similar method may be used for vertical bars to add smth below bottom labels on your picture.

I’ve tried reproducing something similar, but my second line of text is not showing. Here is my code:

  type: custom:bar-card
  entity: sensor.tpms_f1a81549
  name: f1a81549
  direction: right
  entity_row: true
  height: 40px
  width: 100%
  min: '200'
  max: '300'
    icon: 'off'
          $: |
            bar-card-name {
              line-height: 1.1rem;
            bar-card-name::after {
              content: "{{ '\A' + relative_time(sensor.tpms_f1a81549.last_changed) + ' ago' }}";
              white-space: pre;
              font-size: 0.8rem;

This is what I’m getting: tpms2

Can you check what I am doing wrong, or missing?

…may be there are some other errors

There has to be. No matter what I write in content (even if it’s a fixed string), it won’t show.