Lovelace: Bar Card

Any way to fix the bottom alignment on these bars? Looks normal on desktop, but we only use mobile.

type: custom:config-template-card
  - - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
    - Mon
    - Tue
    - Wed
    - Thu
    - Fri
    - Sat
    - Sun
  - ((new Date()).getDay())
  - ((new Date()).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 1*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 2*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 3*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 4*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 5*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - ((new Date( + 6*60*60*24*1000)).getDate())
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_today
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_tomorrrow
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_2
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_3
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_4
  - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_5
  type: custom:bar-card
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_today
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1] +6 ] +" "+ [vars[2]] }
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_tomorrrow
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1]] +" "+ [vars[3]] }
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_2
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1] + 1]+" "+ [vars[4]]}
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_3
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1] + 2]+" "+ [vars[5]]}
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_4
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1] + 3]+" "+ [vars[6]]}
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
    - entity: sensor.lac_du_flambeau_snow_forecast_day_5
      name: ${vars[0][vars[1] + 4]+" "+ [vars[7]]}
      unit_of_measurement: in
      decimal: 1
  title: Lac Du Flambeau Snow Forecast
  direction: up
  height: 120
  stack: horizontal
  max: 15
  unit_of_measurement: " "
    icon: "off"
    name: outside
  decimal: 1

HI all.
I have a vertical bar using this bar-card.
Is it possible to make the value aligned vertically along the bar ? Currently it’s on horizontal over the vertical bar.
I’ve tried the ‘text-orientation: mixed;’ option on various places, but nothing worked.

Captura de imagem_20241219_084546


I spent 8 hours but still couldn’t find a way to do this. Someone please help me.

I was looking for a better and easier way to make a second row with last modified information of a temperature sensor but couldn’t find it.
Then I was looking for how to add the last modified time to the name but couldn’t find it.
I can’t even make a line break.
What could be easier, I’m now ashamed why this card doesn’t allow me to do anything with the name.
I tried adding Jinja2 or other templates to the name but it doesn’t work.
I spent four hours studying config-template-card but it doesn’t work either.
Every time I change the name parameter but to something other than “some text” I get an error
The only thing I found was this Lovelace: Bar Card - #915 by Mariusthvdb, and yes, it all works for “type: entities”, but not for “type: custom:bar-card”

I tried:

type: custom:bar-card
  - entity: sensor.yandex_temperature
    name: "The only thing that works"
##    name: "doesn't work" + "doesn't work"
##    name: doesn't  {{ "\n" }} work, doesn't  {{ /n }} work
##    name: states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].state #doesn't work
##    name: {{ states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].state | string }} #doesn't work
##    name: "{{ states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].state | string }}" #doesn't work
##    name: '{{ states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].state | string }}' #doesn't work
##    name: {{ relative_time(states.sensor.yandex_temperature.last_reported) }} #etc
##    name: >
##      { return "sh*t"
##      }

then i tried:

type: custom:config-template-card
  TEST1: states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].last_reported
  TEST2: states['sun.sun'].state
  TEST3: "On"
  - entity: sensor.yandex_temperature
  type: custom:bar-card
    - entity: sensor.yandex_temperature
      name: "The only thing that works"
##      name: %{ TEST1 } #doesn't work
##      name: "${ TEST2 === 'below_horizon' ? 'doesn't work' : 'doesn't work too' }"
##      name: "${ TEST3 === 'On' ? 'doesn't ' : 'doesn't too' }"
##      name: states['sensor.yandex_temperature'].state
##      name: {{ relative_time(states.sensor.yandex_temperature.last_reported) }}

I would like to use and share with everyone the following great function:

  function timeDifference(current, previous) {
      var msPerMinute = 60 * 1000;
      var msPerHour = msPerMinute * 60;
      var msPerDay = msPerHour * 24;
      var msPerMonth = msPerDay * 30;
      var msPerYear = msPerDay * 365;
      var elapsed = current - previous;

      if (elapsed < msPerMinute) { return Math.round(elapsed/1000) + ' s'; }
      else if (elapsed < msPerHour) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMinute) + ' m'; }
      else if (elapsed < msPerDay ) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerHour ) + ' h';  }
      else if (elapsed < msPerMonth) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerDay) + ' d';  }
      else if (elapsed < msPerYear) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMonth) + ' m'; }
      else { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerYear ) + ' y'; }
  var i = 'mdi:update'
  var s = timeDifference(new Date(), new Date(entity.last_changed));
  return `<ha-icon icon='${i}' style='width:20px; height: 20px; vertical-align:2px; color: var(--icon-color);'></ha-icon> ${s}`

is there any yaml you could provide?

It’s not very elegant, but I had the same issue when displaying on a tablet so changed the day descriptors to 2 characters…


Reducing font size possibly might work too, but I didn’t try that.

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That’s exactly what I ended up doing as well. It’s better. Screenshot is from my smartphone.

Have you found a way to pull the name from another entity?
When i try name: {{ }} the display shows [object Object] so there seem to be some information passing, but I can’t find the proper syntax either.

I’m finally starting to tame this card, and getting results I like.
Updating to the latest fork (GitHub - mreysei/bar-card: Customizable Animated Bar card for Home Assistant Lovelace) made a difference:
Screenshot from 2025-01-12 12-47-15

that is a nice layout!

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Could you share your YAML?

I was reading around here for a while and also searched the whole thread up and down, but I can not find anything useful.

I really want to have some animation, showing if there is a charge or discharge ongoing. It is a solar battery.
But even while it is “on” acc. to the yaml, no animation is visible.
I also tried values between 2 and 10 for the speed.

Here is my code:

title: null
type: custom:bar-card
  - color: Red
    from: 0
    to: 25
  - color: Orange
    from: 26
    to: 50
  - color: Green
    from: 51
    to: 100
icon: mdi:battery
  - state: "on"
  - speed: 10
  - entity: sensor.solax_battery_capacity

Sure. Here is a sampling of a few styles that can be used as a starting point. It should look like this:
Screenshot from 2025-01-20 10-27-30

type: entities
  style: |
    ha-card { border: 0px;}
    .card-content { padding: 8px;}
  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity_row: true
    entity: sensor.time_date
    name: Title
    icon: mdi:test-tube
    height: 25
    color: null
      icon: inside
      value: "off"
      style: |
        bar-card-backgroundbar, bar-card-currentbar {border-radius: 10px;} 
        ha-card { border: 0px}      
  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity_row: true
    columns: 1
    height: 25
    color: orange
    stack: horizontal
      icon: inside
      indicator: "off"
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_cpu_percent
        name: one
      style: |
        bar-card-backgroundbar, bar-card-currentbar {border-radius: 10px;} 
        ha-card { border: 0px}  
  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity_row: true
    columns: 2
    height: 25
    stack: horizontal
      icon: inside
      indicator: "off"
      - entity: sensor.time_date
        name: Time
        color: lightgrey
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_memory_percent
        name: two
      style: |
        bar-card-backgroundbar, bar-card-currentbar {border-radius: 10px;} 
        ha-card { border: 0px}          
  - type: custom:bar-card
    entity_row: true
    columns: 5
    height: 25
    color: pink
    stack: horizontal
    direction: up
      icon: "off"
      indicator: "off"
      name: "off"
      value: inside
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_cpu_percent
        name: one
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_memory_percent
        name: two
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_cpu_percent
        name: one
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_memory_percent
        name: two
      - entity: sensor.home_assistant_core_memory_percent
        name: one
      style: |
        bar-card-backgroundbar, bar-card-currentbar {border-radius: 10px;} 
        ha-card { border: 0px}

Let me know if this helps or if you have any question.

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Main card-mod thread - 1st post - link at the bottom titled “fantastic” - bar-card

I appreciate your help to the fullest!
But I have now looked in the original post of the bar card, and in the post for the card mod. I can not find anything saying “fantastic”.
The only thing I found - but even earlier - is the link to the bar-cards Github, which does mention “animation”. But the options there are just the same as in my YAML.

Would you be kind enough to share a link?

Cannot share a link since answering from a mobile.
Are you sure that you followed a path provided by me properly?

Here is what the post has as links:

I, don’t see anything about “fantastic”.

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check again the path - main CARDMOD thread, not bar-card