Lovelace: Bring Important ("Priority") Cards to Top of Dashboard

Use Case: I have a dasboard with several cards in a certain order. But under certain circuumstances (e.g. depending on the (not-)state of an entity), I would like to give a card “priority” and bring to the “top” of the dashboard (showing it at first card of the dashboard).

I’ve been thinking of cards having a “priority conditions” (similar to conditions of Conditional Cards), which - if met - would bring the card to the top of the dasboard (temporarily getting card index “0”, so to say).
If several cards get “priority” state, all “priority cards” be on top, in the order of their original index. (maybe index “0.”, e.g. “0.3”, “0.7”, …?)

Yes, this could somehow also be solved using Conditional Cards, like suggested in Most important cards / events / data at top of page at lovelace, but this would become quite messy quickly, with all the duplication and such…

Use hidden (conditional) cards at the top that only show if the conditions warrant it. You can have the same-ish card lower for normal times if you want. I do this for the smoke detectors and batteries.

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Thanks for your suggestion, but I’m no fan of that approach, as I already stated above:

Yes, this could somehow also be solved using Conditional Cards, […] but this would become quite messy quickly, with all the duplication and such…