Is there a way to colour an SVG part based on a state?
I have the following custom field which creates a hue bulb. At the moment the base (bulb) is a set colour of #C0C0C0 and the light is filled with “var(–button-card-light-color)” which for Hue bulbs works fine as the light part displays the light of the bulb nicely and it goes grey when off.
icon_hue: >
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path id="Bulb" d="M16,11.999c1.523,0 3.746,-0.143
5.539,-0.553c-1.358,4.219 -1.591,8.078 -1.545,9.176c0.011,0.255 -0.076,0.496
-0.242,0.689l-0.441,0.504c-0.952,0.113 -2.055,0.184 -3.311,0.184c-1.256,0
-2.359,-0.071 -3.311,-0.184l-0.441,-0.504c-0.166,-0.193 -0.253,-0.434
-0.242,-0.689c0.046,-1.098 -0.187,-4.957 -1.545,-9.176c1.793,0.41
4.016,0.553 5.539,0.553Zm-2.998,10.862c1.042,0.101 2.188,0.138
3.002,0.138c0.814,0 1.96,-0.037 3.002,-0.138l-0.501,3.108c-0.026,0.218
-0.132,0.42 -0.3,0.573l-0.467,0.424c-0.032,0.029 -0.061,0.06
-0.089,0.092l-0.493,0.583c-0.19,0.226 -0.48,0.358
-0.787,0.358l-0.365,0l-0.365,0c-0.307,0 -0.596,-0.132
-0.786,-0.358l-0.495,-0.583c-0.027,-0.032 -0.056,-0.063
-0.087,-0.092l-0.467,-0.424c-0.168,-0.153 -0.275,-0.355
-0.301,-0.573l-0.501,-3.108Z" style="fill:#C0C0C0;"/><path id="Light"
d="M22.304,5.398c1.525,1.402 0.137,3.985 -0.329,4.907c-1.257,0.366
-3.269,0.695 -5.975,0.695c-2.706,0 -4.717,-0.329 -5.974,-0.695c-0.466,-0.922
-1.855,-3.505 -0.329,-4.907c1.631,-1.499 6.028,-1.396 6.303,-1.396c0.276,0
4.672,-0.103 6.304,1.396Z"
However when the light is off i would also like the bulb part to be dimmer as #C0C0C0 is quite bright. I have tried the following but with no success:
- styles:
- fill: red
- color: var(--disabled-text-color)
- color: var(--disabled-text-color)
value: 'off'
Normally the bulb is a sudo element and is access via the .bulb entity within CSS and fill being the value but in the button card its handled differently.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
Side note, after setting this up i have noticed that Hue bulbs go grey when off however zigbee bulbs dont and stay the last colour/temp they where at. Not sure exactly why this happens.
Edit: above comment, just noticed --button-card-light-color-no-temperature value can be used however this sets it to the icon active colour from the theme. Anyway to override this value without changing the theme?