Doh, we had that originally but I put a semicolon on the first line…
No worries, I probably didn’t describe it well enough. I seem to be 10 degrees below what actually happens. So if tomorrow says it will be 80 it actually is closer to 90 or 95 most of the time. How accurate is your future forecast when you tap on the card. I guess is a better way to ask.
I have noticed that sometimes the days don’t display correctly and are off by one.
Clear your browser cache, you’re not using the latest version.
Yes, with custom fields and that would be as easy as: entity.state / 1000
someone has an idea how to help ?
Just recently started trying out this card, looks very powerful! Thanks!
I’m wanting to use this card’s Configuration Template, and do a few overrides in the entity’s config.
In particular I wanted to change icons based on the state of the entity within the entity’s configuration, but no luck.
I came up with a simple test that, rather than change the icon, instead simply change the spin state of the icon.
The Config template:
- value: 'on'
spin: true
The entity config:
- title: test
- type: custom:button-card
template: bc_template_test
name: test
entity: light.br30_1
- value: 'on'
spin: false
The result is when I turn the light ‘on’ the icon spins.
I was expecting the entity config’s spin state to override the template’s spin state which would have been to not spin. Any suggestions?
Absolutely, there’s a lot of improvements that can be made, especially with the am/pm variance (I haven’t figured that out yet) I set this as a template while testing it so you could remove the weather: if not needed. let me know if you make any improvements.
color: rgb(0,0,0)
color_type: label-card
aspect_ratio: 2/1
show_entity_picture: true
layout: icon_name
show_name: true
action: more-info
haptic: heavy
show_state: false
show_label: true
- grid-template-areas: '"n i" "s i" "l i"'
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 50%
- border-radius: 5px
- margin: 5px 5px 0px 0px
- padding: 0px 0px
- background-color: rgb(0,0,0)
- box-shadow: 1px 1px 12px 2px rgb(255,0,0)
- height: 120px
- width: 120px
- justify-self: center
- justify-self: start
- padding: 0px 10px
- font-size: 10px
- padding: 7px
- font-size: 20px
- font-weight: bold
- font-family: Helvetica
- color: rgb(255,255,255)
entity: weather.dark_sky
label_template: >
var options = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' };
var sunrise_date = new Date(states['sun.sun'].attributes.next_rising);
var sunrise_time = sunrise_date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options).split(",")[1];
var sunset_date = new Date(states['sun.sun'].attributes.next_setting);
var sunset_time = sunset_date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options).split(",")[1];
return '<div align="left">' +
'<div style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 15px; margin-top: 10px;">' +
'<ha-icon icon="mdi:weather-sunset-up" style="width: 15px; color: #f4e842; padding-bottom: 0px;"></ha-icon> ' +
sunrise_time +
'</div>' +
'<div style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 15px; margin-top: -10px;">' +
'<ha-icon icon="mdi:weather-sunset-down" style="width: 15px; color: #f4e842; padding-bottom: -5px;"></ha-icon> ' +
sunset_time +
'</div>' +
name_template: >
var degree = 45;
var angle = entity.attributes.wind_bearing + 22.5;
var direction = (angle >= 0 * degree && angle < 1 * degree) ? "N" :
(angle >= 1 * degree && angle < 2 * degree) ? "NE" :
(angle >= 2 * degree && angle < 3 * degree) ? "E" :
(angle >= 3 * degree && angle < 4 * degree) ? "SE" :
(angle >= 4 * degree && angle < 5 * degree) ? "S" :
(angle >= 5 * degree && angle < 6 * degree) ? "W" :
(angle >= 6 * degree && angle < 7 * degree) ? "NW" : "N";
return '<div align="start" style="padding-top: 20px;">' +
'<div style="font-size: 20px;">' + entity.attributes.temperature + '°F</div>' +
'<div style="font-size: 10px;">High ' + entity.attributes.forecast[0].temperature + '°F <br>Low ' + entity.attributes.forecast[0].templow + '°F </div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
icon: mdi:weather-sunny
- value: clear-night
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/night.svg
- value: cloudy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/cloudy.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px purple
- color: purple
- value: overcast
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/cloudy.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px purple
- color: purple
- value: fog
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/cloudy.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px purple
- color: purple
- value: hail
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/rainy-7.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px white
- color: white
- value: lightning
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/thunder.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px #03a9f4
- color: #03a9f4
- value: lightning-rainy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/thunder.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px #03a9f4
- color: #03a9f4
- value: partlycloudy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/partlycloundynight.png
- value: pouring
icon: mdi:weather-pouring
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px #03a9f4
- color: #03a9f4
- value: rainy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/rainy-7.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px #03a9f4
- color: #03a9f4
- value: snowy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/snowy-6.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px white
- color: white
- value: snowy-rainy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/snowy-6.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px white
- color: white
- value: sunny
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/day.svg
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 3px yellow
- color: yellow
- value: windy
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/cloudy.svg
- value: windy-variant
entity_picture: /local/icons/weather_icons/animated/cloudy.svg
Try this for your setup, it’s simplified version without any templates needed:
Post screenshot if not working.
Thank for trying help out, unforetentaly still now working, maybe i’m doing something wrong ,
please look at ui-lovelace config:
- title: Info
icon: mdi:cctv
- type: picture-entity
camera_view: live
name: Camera
- type: picture-entity
entity: camera.camera_wyze
camera_view: live
name: Wyze
- type: "custom:button-card"
aspect_ratio: 1/1
- padding: 5%
- color: #1E2747
- font-size: 11px
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black
- text-transform: capitalize
- border-radius: 15px
- grid-template-areas: '"icn icn" "n n" "i i"'
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 3fr
- font-weight: bold
- font-size: 15px
- align-self: middle
- justify-self: start
- padding-bottom: 4px
- margin: none
- align-items: flex-end
- justify-content: center
- width: 100%
- align-self: middle
- align-self: start
action: more-info
icn: >
return "<div style='text-align: start;'><ha-icon icon='mdi:cctv' style='color: lime; width: 30px; height: 30px;'></ha-icon></div>";
entity: camera.camera_wyze
show_entity_picture: "true"
thanks,for share it
Yea, I know. It’s a lot to take in, this card is the best but it does have a big learning curve. I’m persistent I’ll eventually understand it all. This button should be a part of the core ui in home assistant. Thanks for all you have done up to this point RomRider!
This card will never be part of core, for what’s worth. But I think that’s for the best as it really is for advanced users. Can you imagine a UI editor for this beast? Doable, sure, but boy would it be crazy.
No doubt! I’m still amazed by what this card can do. The only real limitation is your imagination.
Without people like you @iantrich and @RomRider and so many others this platform wouldn’t be as advanced as it is today.
Seriously thanks for all you guys do! For all the time you spend helping others. For donating your time and skills and never asking for anything in return. It’s truly awe inspiring.
This community is the best!
Yes that worked! Thanks.
@RomRider I have a crazy feature request. I know you hate Apple but I have been told that not trying will result in a guaranteed loss.
Anyways I use @roflcoopter great mod to have 3d touch on the buttons. For me it doesn’t work really well but that aside it is a great feature and I think it would suit this button-card best.
So my request is: could you add 3d touch features to the button? Answer is probably yes, though my real question is: would you be willing to?
I can probably have a look.
I’m wondering 2 things though:
- Why isn’t it working correctly with @roflcoopter’s card?
- Would that be a different action than
? I mean does the device manage to differentiate ahold
from adeep press
Ah, his card works well, but it has the same problem as yours (and core one for that matter) had with iOS 13. Basically when you use a deep_press action it will immediately tap the button which pops up. For example, if a light gets deep_pressed with a colorwheel it will immediately turn on the light with a set color which is beneath it.
Second it doesn’t work with iPhones and Androids mixed, if deep_press is true than Androids can not use a hold_action anymore. And I know you are an Android guy XD.
The configuration seems okay.
Could you please inspect the element with your browser debugger tool please? Then right click on the link displayed and select “open in a new tab”, is the image displaying there?
Also, could you please share the full state of your camera entity? Obfuscate the token if there is one in the entity_picture
I can probably embed that feature directly into button-card, but that seems to be something which should be fixed in the deep-press
card, don’t you think so?
I can have a look there and maybe PR something. Thoughts? @roflcoopter what do you think?