Lovelace: Button card

ok, no problem then :wink:

[[[var abruzzo = states['binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_abruzzo'].state;
   var lazio = states['binary_sensor.allarme_meteo_lazio'].state;
   if (abruzzo == 'on' || lazio == 'on') return 'red';
   return 'green';
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Thansk! You are my GURU !!! :smiley::pray:

Iā€™m trying to use a template but keep getting this error;
extra keys not allowed @ data[ā€˜button_card_templatesā€™]

My button card template yaml looks like this

action: more-info
label: >
[[[ var bri = Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.55); if
(entity.state === ā€˜onā€™) return (bri ? (bri+"%") : ā€˜ā€™) ]]]
layout: icon_label
show_label: true
show_name: true
- styles:
- box-shadow: ā€˜0px 0px 10px 3px #F9C536ā€™

Any help please?

I am trying to create a button that looks like markdown, i.e. horizontal with icon, state and label all concatenated and centralized. Something like this:

  - type: markdown
    content: >
      <center>{% if is_state('sensor.server_ups_status', 'Online') %} 
	  <ha-icon icon="mdi:car-battery"></ha-icon> {% else %} <ha-icon icon="mdi:alert-outline"></ha-icon> {% endif %} 
	  {{states('sensor.server_ups_battery_runtime_min')}} min</center>

So, as a CSS newbie I tried to follow the instructions, some ideas from previous posts and came out with something like this:

  - type: custom:button-card
    entity: sensor.server_ups_status
    aspect_ratio: 5.5/1
    show_name: false
    show_state: false
      action: more-info
        - grid-template-areas: '"status"'
          - align-self: center
          - justify-self: center
          - --animation: [[[ if (sensor.server_ups_status != 'Online') return 'blink 2s ease infinite'; ]]]
      status: >
          return '<ha-icon
          icon=[[[ if (sensor.server_ups_status == 'Online') return "mdi:car-battery"; return "mdi:alert-outline"; ]]]
          style=[[[ if (sensor.server_ups_status != 'Online') return "color: red;"; ]]]></ha-icon>
          <span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${states['sensor.server_ups_battery_runtime_min'].state}<span> min</span></span>'

However, nothing is showing up on my view.

I tried deleting everything and using something simple like:

      status: >
          return '<ha-icon icon="mdi:car-battery"></ha-icon>'

but no luck and nothing shows up.

Any tips?


great work and my first Button card looks fine and is working.

Iā€™m only missing one think: How could I display a card title if I stack some buttons on a card. I like to have a title like the standard cards but vertical-stack have no title.

Thank you, Steffen

Use the markdown card

your templates are incorrect.
should be in the form of:

if (states['sensor.server_ups_status'].state != 'Online') return etc etc etc

or, since you use an entity non the button config, simply reference that:

if (entities.state != 'Online') return etc etc etc

be ware of the false double semi-colon in the line:

return "color: red;"; ]

make that:

return "color: red"; ]

I cannot have this button card working:

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: input_select_tado_mode
                    icon: mdi:thermostat
                    show_state: true
                    name: Termostato
                        - font-weight: bold
                        - font-size: 13px
                        - font-family: 'Times New Roman'                        
                      action: call-service
                      service: input_select.select_option
                        entity_id: input_select.tado_mode
                      - value: "heat"
                        color: var(--disabled-text-color)
                        icon: mdi:thermostat
                      - value: "auto"
                        color: rgb(5, 147, 255)
                      - value: "off"
                        color: rgb(189, 255, 5)

This is the error:
ā€œFallita chiamata a servizio input_select.select_option. required key not provided @data [ā€˜optionā€™]ā€
Iā€™d like to have open the selection i made into the input_select entity and then choose what i want between them.

Where is the error?

Thank you, is working!

that is your error :wink:

Ok i know this, but how tyo solve the error? I followed the docs about the cardā€¦

you have to declare an ā€˜optionā€™ field:

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_picture_script_small
        name: Arctic
        entity_picture: '/local/hue_scenes/arctic.png'
          action: call-service
          service: script.tiles_set_hue_scene
            option: 'Arctische dageraad'

or use a template

option: >
  [[[ states['input_select.tado_mode'].state ]]]

Ok, but maybe i cannot have in this way what i wantā€¦
Iā€™d like to have the choice to choose one of the three option inside the input_select entity which are: ā€˜offā€™, ā€˜autoā€™ and ā€˜heatā€™ā€¦
Maybe i must think somewhat different for this cardā€¦

this is exactly what that template allows you to do. If those are the options of the input_select, the template will set these upon tap.

Or, you could write a few scripts, as I have done in the example, and in the script use the service input_selet.set_option. Then call these script on the button. Works perfectly fine.

Ok, but noticed that if i use that template i get the same error as beforeā€¦

Canā€™t help you if you are not more specific: please post your code, and the error you see

The code is this:

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    entity: input_select_tado_mode
                    icon: mdi:thermostat
                    show_state: true
                    name: Termostato
                        - font-weight: bold
                        - font-size: 13px
                        - font-family: 'Times New Roman'                        
                      action: call-service
                      service: input_select.select_option
                        option: >
                            [[[ states['input_select.tado_mode'].state ]]]
                      - value: "heat"
                        color: var(--disabled-text-color)
                        icon: mdi:thermostat
                      - value: "auto"
                        color: rgb(5, 147, 255)
                      - value: "off"
                        color: rgb(189, 255, 5)

And the error is the same as i already posted here.

ok, now the question remains: what are you trying to do?
Do you need a button to set 3 different modes and set the input_select according to these buttons?
Or, do you want the buttons to show the state of the input_selectā€™s state.

I want a button to set one of the 3 different modes and accordingly set the input_select .

that would be:
3 buttons, each with their own option.


- type: custom:button-card
  icon: mdi:thermostat
  name: 'Off'                 
    action: call-service
    service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.tado_mode
      option: 'Off'

as said, you can also set the whole service part in a separate script, and call that script in the button.

personally I would use an entity_picture instead, and use label in stead of name. That could look like:


using this per button:

      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: set_hue_scene
          - option: 'Arctische dageraad'
          - entity_picture: '/local/hue_scenes/arctic.png'
          - name: Arctic
          - color: '#00d0a0'

and the decluttering template:

  type: custom:button-card
  template: button_picture_script_small
  entity_picture: '[[entity_picture]]'
  name: '[[name]]'
    action: call-service
    service: script.tiles_set_hue_scene
      option: '[[option]]'
    - operator: template
      value: >
        return states['input_select.hue_scenes'].state == '[[option]]'
      color: '[[color]]'
          - color: '#555B65'

and script:

    alias: 'Tiles set Hue scene'
      service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.hue_scenes
        option: >
          {{ option }}

but start simple at first :wink: