Lovelace: Button card

Weird! Winmerge shows it’s the right one as I d/l from release page yesterday now and it’s working.

I’ll publish a new version tomorrow with an attempt to fix it. I don’t own an iPhone so you’ll have tell me if it works :slight_smile:

EDIT: Released 3.1.1, please try :slight_smile:

oh crap! it is broken on iPhone but iPad is ok

:tada::tada: Version 3.1.1 :tada::tada:


  • Attempt to fix double clicks on iPhones and older iPads 🤷‍♂

I’m d/l but getting the old one like yesterday again. I’ll d/l from releases now…

Didn’t have the issue this time… make sure you refresh the HACS page… seems like the latest versions of HACS have some problems…

@ludeeus are you aware of such behaviours? It seems that sometimes it doesn’t download the selected version in the GUI but the previous one/or the one currently installed. I don’t remember this to happen with versions <= 0.18.x

I did refresh hacs page. I had to click enable beta and then disabled before it saw the update. updated but it was the old 3.1.0 version. Deleted the .gz file and d/l from releases page and got the 3.1.1 Updated via HACS again and it went back to 3.1.0 again.

Anyway, reset frontend cache for app and works on ipad and iphone

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You’re not the only one, who’s having problems with Github in the last days. I wouldn’t mess around to much, it’ll be ok in the next days, I’m sure. :slight_smile:

< 0.20.2 had issues if you had previously selected a version, make sure your clients cache is not running a old version.
And see that it’s the correct selected version, if you enable debug logs, you will see what version it tries.

0.20.7 here. I compared the code and it was for the old version. I don’t remember previously selecting a version. I suspect if I restart HA it will then get the new version (I suspect that’s why I got the previous update after a similar failure yesterday)

whats the format and where would I store a custom-icon?

did you have the chance to check the missing images in the Cast setup? btw Ive made a marquee on the button card, and that doesn’t show up at all…

Hi Dont know if this is the right place to ask, but i cannot get custom button card to word. I installed it via HACS and when I create a custom button card all i get is “No card type found” I have installed, uninstalled, tried a earlier version, restarted a million times. The plugin gives the option to add it to the lovelace interface.Done…still nothing.

Please could someone give me some idea what is wrong?

Seems to work fine again on iPhone 8. Fingers crossed and thanks! :slight_smile:

Has anyone else noticed that button card reports the wrong height to the browser when you stack cards in horizontal stacks in the same column? I can’t get cards to stack underneath the button cards I have in my main view:

You can see my config starting at line 431 here

Just want to make sure it’s not something I am doing wrong before I open an issue for it.

You know what gets me, is that everyone can ask for the nitty gritty stuff but no one could give a hoot to assist with a question on how to get custom button cards to even work. I followed the button card wiki to the T, yet the plugin keeps saying “no card type configured”. I even reloaded my setup with just HACS and custom button card plugin loaded and still get the same error.

Come on guys…is this what this community is all about? Someone helped every single person that reads these forums yet no one want to assist. Not even a reply…What are these forums all about? .Disappointing.

You asked a question a day ago and there have been literally no answers to anything in this thread since then…? I think you’re getting way ahead of yourself with your reaction.

That being said, you haven’t really shared anything of substance. If you have that error, that means you have not provided the type i.e. type: custom:button-card when adding the Lovelace card.

Share the configuration you added in Lovelace so we can actually help you

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Thanks for replying iantrich

Its been the first reply since I posted. Much appreciated.

I reinstalled my system with just HACS and custom button card plugin via HACS, If I use the examples that include the type: custom:button-card entry i still get the error. I have figured out everything on HACS by trial and error but the custom button card just does not want to work.

Below is my Lovelace config:

’ ’ ’

  • type: module
    url: /community_plugin/button-card/button-card.js
  • type: js
    url: /community_plugin/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js
  • type: module
    url: /community_plugin/lovelace-gui-sandbox/gui-sandbox.js
    title: Home
  • badges: []
    ’ ’ ’
    If I then use the examples on github and change the entities accordingly, no luck. Even just with type: custom:button-card I stll get the same error.

Please could you just guide me to get a simple custom button to switch on a light then i will figure out the rest.

Your help is much appreciated

You’re leaving our the most relevant part of your configuration, what you’re actually using for the button card

type: custom:button-card
entity: switch.mylight

This has nothing to do with HACS given your error, you just haven’t provided a type when you added the card

Im going to create simple button quickly and the give you my button code. Maybe you could figure out what I am doing wrong. I will post in a few minutes