Lovelace: Button card

Currently not, but please open a feature request so that I add it to the next release

Yes, for example:

    - background: linear-gradient(to right, red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet)

Use this website to generate the gradient for example

Thanks man!!! That was exactly what I was looking for!
You are the man!

Is there a way to make it so that when button is pressed it makes a color to illustrate that its being press down.

I find that this could be usefull for some switches were i have Harmony activity switches and whant to show that ive acualy pressed the button so i know the activity is about to start before i klick again.

This is just one example of many were i have buttons that has a script on them that makes allot of stuff were it take abitt of time before it turns on and then gets a color.

I could not find a answer to this when i search so hope any of you might have a answer.

Only way to do this at the moment is by adding a delay to the script. This will give the script a momentary ‘on’ state which will make the button light up.

Otherwise this is something that @RomRider has not found a solution to yet.

thanks @RomRider, added issue #277

Hello I have a question, I have a template:

  show_entity_picture: true
  show_name: false
  aspect_ratio: 1/1.3937
  name: >
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        var title = data[index].title;
        variables.movieid = data[index].movieid;
        return title;
  entity_picture: > 
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        var image = data[index].art.poster;
        image = image.replace("image://","");
        return decodeURIComponent(image);

This creates a card to a list of movies, according to the “variables.index” I return a movie image from a array.

But I would like to store on the template a extra field, movieid, to later use calling a mqtt service I tried in the template:

    movieid: >
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        var movieid = data[index].movieid;
        return movieid;

But this does not seems to work.

How can I store this on a variable and later use it to call the mqtt service on tap action?

Thank Yoy


I don’t know where you’re getting this code from but we need more info here. What entity are you using and what are it’s attributes.

This is my code, the code that I done to extract data from a JSON variable. I will make the question from another perspective.

We can set variables like this:

- type: custom:button-card
  template: recent_movie
  entity: sensor.kodi_movies
    index: 1

I declare a new variable with the name index with the value 1.

With that I can use it to access a sensor that contains a JSON object

  show_entity_picture: true
  show_name: false
  aspect_ratio: 1/1.3937
  name: >
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        var title = data[index].title;
        return title;
  entity_picture: > 
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        var image = data[index].art.poster;
        image = image.replace("image://","");
        return decodeURIComponent(image);

This displays a image.

Works great.

What I what now is to click that image and call the MQTT service with the movie ID. But for that I need to extract it from the JSON sensor with the index. My question was, can I, in the template, with the Javascript declare a variable to use later in the click action. Somting like " variables.movieid = data[index].movieid" (this does not seems to work).

Just perform the exact same template inside your service_data for the mqtt service but don’t bother declaring a variable.

  action: call-service
  service: mqtt.publish
    payload: >
        var index = variables.index - 1;
        var data = entity.attributes.result.movies;
        return data[index].movieid;

I may have misunderstood but I believe this is what you’re asking for if not sorry :smile: Try this if you have card-mod installed, play with the transition as you see fit.

style: |


     ha-card {
       background-color: blue;
       transition: .05s;

1 Like

ha, that could be cool (small copy typo there btw?)

trying this:

  style: |
       ha-card {
         transition: .05s;

in my button_card_templates doesn’t work however, should that be possible, or can we only set this in an individual button itself?

That worked! Thank you!

Man your my hero, I just tested it in my enviroment ant it worked flawless. exakly as me and my wife want it. And you know, Happy wife happy life :smiley: Im getting a good night tonight :slight_smile:

I did this to make it work

      style: |
          ha-card {
            background-color: black;

Yes, you are correct typo on my part. I’ve corrected it.

Currently, I’m not using a template, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work. I tested it on several buttons on the same tab and it worked just fine.

Glad I could help and I clearly understand happy wife happy life :+1:

not sure, but I can’t get it to work. Would it be the already set styles on the button_card_template prevent this transitional style to do its job maybe? (note a button with only this set or styling does work, so its not the styling perse, its about the combination)

I am trying to use a custom card as a custom field, but I am getting a js error in chrome
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'whenDefined' on 'CustomElementRegistry': "custom:circle-sensor-card" is not a valid custom element name

The code for thge custom field is

      entity: 'sensor.valve_position'
      fill: transparent
      max: 100
      min: 0
      stroke_width: 10          
      type: 'custom:circle-sensor-card'

The circle sensor card shows up in the button so it works as expected, but the Console is filled with these errors.
Anyone has any idea if there is a problem with custom cards inside custom_field?

I’m curious to know what is used to obtain the raspberry pi cpu/temp/etc sensors used in this example please?


Is it perhaps the Glances utility?

You can use Glances or/and the Pi-Hole integration :slight_smile:

You have this one too: