Lovelace: Button card


after updating to 0.114 my tap_action doesnt work anymore, i have a call-server as action that needs to run a script when i hit on the button but nothing happens. When i go back to 0.112.3 it works fine, any idea why?

You can find my code below.

          - type: custom:button-card
            icon: mdi:fan
            name: 'Low'
              action: call-service
              service: script.woonkamer_fan_min
              - operator: template
                value: >
                    [[[ if (states['sensor.woonkamer_fan_speed'].state == 'Min') return 'on' ; ]]]
                spin: true

Does your script work on 0.114?

@RomRider Should I move this issue to the stack-in-card thread since it seems to be related to that?

Uh checked everything except that, stupid me. So yes its not an issue with button card but the script stopped working.

Good evening I need a lot of help, I saw the realization of LbDAB that I am attaching I tried to understand how to load the files on my home assistant but without success is there anyone who can help me? I would like to accomplish such a thing on one page. On the LbDab wiki page there are files and what you need but not a technical explanation of how they should be loaded and what makes me even more doubtful is the location of these files in the home assistant.

Hi guys.

I am trying to get the same function as lovelace-multiple-entity-row but I only want to use button-card.
I have the overall design almost done now and now I am stuck.
I want the area in the th /th to be a link to the entity is that possible? So if i press Min i want this area up:

Is that possible? :slight_smile:


     - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: "custom:button-card"
          entity: sensor.outdoor_temperature
          name: Outdoor
          icon: >
              if (entity.state >=24) return 'mdi:thermometer-high';
              if (entity.state >22 && entity.state < 20) return 'mdi:thermometer';
              else return 'mdi:thermometer-low';
            action: none
          show_name: true
          show_state: false
          show_label: true
          layout: icon_label
          template: multi
          label: >
            var temp1 = states['sensor.outdoor_temperature'].state + " Ā°C";
            var temp2 = states['sensor.outdoor_temp_max'].state + " Ā°C";
            var temp3 = states['sensor.outdoor_temp_min'].state + " Ā°C";
            return    '<table style="border-collapse: collapse; height:50px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; vertical-align: middle">' + 
                        '<tr>' +
                          '<th style="font-weight: normal; min-width:70px; font-size:10px; border: 1px solid black; height:50px">' + "Min" + '<br>' + temp3 + '</th>' +
                          '<th style="font-weight: normal; min-width:70px; font-size:10px; border: 1px solid black; height:50px">' + "Max" + '<br>' + temp2 + '</th>' +
                          '<th style="font-weight: normal; min-width:70px; font-size:10px; border: 1px solid black; height:50px">' + "Current" + '<br>' + temp1 + '</th>' +
                        '</tr>' +
            - grid-template-areas: '"i n l" "i n l" "i n l"'
            - grid-template-columns: 15% 25% 60%

You should just do a tap action for the whole card. You could also do it with a, on-click, card-tools, and more-info.

Ehh yes I know that but that is not what I want.
I just want the boxes inside the border to be a button not the whole card.

Because I want each box to be a link to a different sensor so I cant use the whole card as a button.

I was thinking of you could made a custom invisible area over it or just embed a link in the html-code of some sortā€¦


please tell me what younger using for the Power card top right of your image? Is that Bar card? would you share that little config please? thanks!

Heā€™s actually referring to the setup of another user (LbDab):

I see. sorry, and thanks. Not much info there


Found it, all there. thanks for the pointer :wink:

I think you can find the code youā€™re after in lovelace/main.yaml

Canā€™t you use use a horizontal stack and use a separate button card for each one?

Mariusthvdb Iā€™m not the one who designed this beautiful card but as rste_narquois said it was the LbDab user from whom I would have liked to have some more details on the location of the files tracked in GitHub see the link that put you rste_narquois

I am not using the stack-in-card and I have the same error.

I had that before but I want everything in one area now to get a cleaner look :frowning:

You can keep anything in one area if you adjust the margins, how does it look like if you just do it?

Yes that is trueā€¦ Maybe that is the way i need to go if I cant fix it with some custom are over the other or embed a link in the th section.
that should make it more customizable for the future also :smiley:

Iā€™ve been trying to use the navigation path action to change the url hash value along with the state-switch card in order to make a user independent tab menu, It works but iā€™d like to have the button colour change depending on the url hash value. Iā€™ve tried using a javascript template with if (window.location.hash === ā€œvalueā€) which works but only updates the colour after the page is manually reloaded.

So my question, is it possible to recheck a template value when a button is pressed?


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thatā€™s exactly what I do:

the active button is highlighted when on that page (window location)

this is the first button in the horizontal stack:

  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      background: true

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_shortcut_menu
        icon: mdi:home
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: /lovelace/home
           path: home
            - color: >
                  return (states['sensor.count_alerts_notifying'].state > 0)
                  ? 'red': 'green';
          - operator: template
            value: >
              [[[ return (states['sensor.count_alerts_notifying'].state > 0) ]]]
            spin: true

and the button_template handles the background etc:

    view: >
      [[[ return window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1) ]]]
  size: 25px
      - color: var(--secondary-text-color)
      - background: >
          [[[ return variables.view == variables.path
              ? 'var(--secondary-background-color)' : 'var(--card-background-color)';

hope this is what you are looking for?
To answer your question: no further need for rechecking, it simply colors per button press :wink:

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