Lovelace: Button card

Thank you so much. It works and I have a great starting point to do other tests

@ASNNetworks you know it is a MUST to share this config! :heart_eyes:


Hi, the code is actually share a few posts above you.

and with RomRider’s added help.

If you assign a switch to the button, the behaviour is undefined for the variable. If you want to retrieve the color of your light, you’ll have to:

  • Assign the switch as the entity of the button and build it yourself using the rgb_color attribute of your light entity
  • Assign the light to the button and use manually assign the name, icon etc to match your switch.

Maybe share your config so that I can understand better, because it’s still unclear to me :slight_smile:

What if you would like to have just 1 decimal instead of for example 2 provided by the sensor?
So in other words, a sensor gives you a state of “00.09” but you want to have it shown as “00.1”?

You can do like that for eg:

state_display: '[[[ return entity.state.toFixed(1) ]]]`

I tried the following, but it doesn’t seem to work:

label: ‘[[[ return [“sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur”].state.toFixed(1) ]]]’

This way:

label: '[[[ return states["sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur"].state.toFixed(1) ]]]'

Edit: The quotes were strange :man_shrugging:

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Well, there’s no error anymore. But the whole line of code is now displayed as the label.
So instead of eg 5.2 it shows ‘[[[ return states[“sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur”].state.toFixed(1) ]]]’

Any idea?

I’ve updated the post, the quotes where super strange, probably a copy paste issue from your editor to the forum

Thanks, but after trying that the following error is shown:

ButtonCardJSTemplateError: TypeError: states.sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur.state.toFixed is not a function in ‘return states[“sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur”].state.toFixed(1)’

That probably means your state is a string and not a float.

label: '[[[ return parseFloat(states["sensor.inkomhal_multisensor_temperatuur"].state).toFixed(1) ]]]'
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YES! Perfect, thank you!

Hi Rom,

finally… getting along to transforming my custom_fields: stateDisplay to the now core available state_display field (which I myself asked you to integrate ages ago…sorry for that)

having couple of basic questions, given the definition you put in the docs, stating that state_display ‘overrides’ the way the state is represented:

would my current:

    - value: unavailable
        stateDisplay: >
          [[[ return entity.state; ]]]
          - opacity: 0.6
          - color: '#D3D3D3'
          - color: '#D3D3D3'
            - color: '#D3D3D3'

be replaced with:

    - value: unavailable
#      state_display: >.   ## should this be here, or can it be left out, because if no state_display is provided it takes the entity.state by default anyway?
#        [[[ return entity.state; ]]]
          - opacity: 0.6
          - color: '#D3D3D3'
          - color: '#D3D3D3'
#        custom_fields:      ## <-- no longer necessary since state_display is styled by the regular `state:` styling? in this case in the `card:` setting
#          state_display:
#            - color: '#D3D3D3'

even when I do use a state_display for the other state values, like:

    - operator: template
      value: >
        [[[ var id = entity.entity_id.split('.')[1];
            var reachable = 'binary_sensor.' + id + '_reachable';
            return states[reachable] && states[reachable].state == 'off'; ]]]
        stateDisplay: >
          [[[ var fakestate = `<span style="color: grey;"> ${entity.state}:</span>`;
              var fakelabel = `<span style="color: grey;"> ${Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness/2.55)} %</span>`;
              return 'Unrch: ' + fakestate +' ' + fakelabel; ]]]

and, for the grids where I now use:

      - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "stateDisplay" "l"'

can I simply use the default

      - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l"'

or should I still use:

      - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "state_display" "l"'

again, sorry if this seems so basic a question for a heavy button user like I am, its just that Id like to make the button-configs as simple as possible :wink: without making al kinds of new mistakes.

to cut it short: does the state_display: follow everything that is used for state:?

If state_display is not provided, the default behavior applies.
state_display's grid area is s, like the default state.

For your states templates, you’ll have to remove your custom_field and put your code in state_display:
Edit: This ^^^ was wrong, you’ll have to put everything in the main state_display

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thanks for confirming, will have a rewrite day today now :wink:

not to re-iterate on this, but why was it again you were opposed to allowing templates in the state: field, and yet this state_display: field does just that in fact? since it defaults to state: if not provided?

state: is not a configuration option in button-card :slight_smile:

hmm, we cross posted. Im not sure I understand the difference here…


    - value: unavailable
        stateDisplay: >
          [[[ return entity.state; ]]]

what does it mean?

just remove the custom_field and it will display the state (provided you have show_state: true) :slight_smile:

yeah, figured that out :wink:

still cant make it happen:

    - action_default
    - config_no_temp
    - last_changed
    - main_config
    - styles_cg
    - styles_img_cell
    - styles_name_left
    - styles_state
    info: *info_light

        - position: absolute
        - right: 5%
        - top: 10%
        - width: 30%
      - background-color: '#1675C9'


    - operator: template
      value: >
        [[[ var id = entity.entity_id.split('.')[1];
            var reachable = 'binary_sensor.' + id + '_reachable';
            return states[reachable] && states[reachable].state == 'off'; ]]]
      state_display: >
          [[[ var fakestate = `<span style="color: grey;"> ${entity.state}:</span>`;
              var fakelabel = `<span style="color: grey;"> ${Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness/2.55)} %</span>`;
              return 'Unrch: ' + fakestate +' ' + fakelabel; ]]]
            - color: steelblue
          - background-color: lightgrey
          - color: grey
          - color: steelblue

    - value: 'on'
      state_display: >
          [[[ var fakestate = `<span style="color: var(--active-color);"> ${entity.state}:</span>`;
              var fakelabel = `<span style="color: var(--active-color);"> ${Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness/2.55)} %</span>`;
              return fakestate +' ' + fakelabel; ]]]
          - color: var(--active-color)
          - color: black
          - color: black

shows only the state,

Schermafbeelding 2021-01-28 om 12.14.11

and not the state_display

Schermafbeelding 2021-01-28 om 12.15.52

what didnt I replace correctly?


this seems to work, directly in the main config section of the button:

  state_display: >

     [[[ var fakestate = `<span style="color: var(--active-color);"> ${entity.state}:</span>`;
        var fakelabel = `<span style="color: var(--active-color);"> ${Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness/2.55)} %</span>`;
        return (entity.state == 'on') ? fakestate + ' ' + fakelabel : entity.state; ]]]

but I now dont have a

  - operator: template


  - value: unavailable

which I also need.

Is this simply a matter of the state_display not being available under the state: options?