Lovelace: Button card

that’s an example if statement, then use that variable inside your string that’s being returned with

Where do I put this line in my code?

well, look at marius’s example… where does he put it?

Hint: the variable needs to exist before you return it.

I don’t know where to fill :
state_display: >

You should only be concerned with the template, not the field it’s going in. That’s everything between the 2 [[[ and ]]]

You’re over complicating this in your head. To be clear, you’ll be copying 1 line, editing that line to use the active icon color and the non icon color vars. Then you’ll edit the color in the return line. It’s 3 actions.

Where do I put the template?

Where’s your current template?

Sorry, to difficult for me to understand.

Where’s your current templatr

I don’t have Template.
Only this card:

entity: binary_sensor.wan_status
show_icon: false
aspect_ratio: 1/1
name: Livebox
    - border-radius: 15%
    - padding: 8%
    - font-size: 100%
    - grid-template-areas: '"i WAN" "n n" "Down Down" "Upl Upl" "HPB HPB" "HPC HPC"'
    - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
    - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content min-content min-content
    - font-weight: bold
    - font-size: 100%
    - align-self: middle
    - justify-self: start
    - padding-bottom: 9%
    - justify-content: start
    - align-items: start
    - margin: none
      - align-self: start
      - justify-self: end
      - padding-bottom: 5%
      - align-self: middle
      - justify-self: start
      - '--text-color-sensor': >-
          [[[ if (states["sensor.orange_livebox_download_speed"].state > 80)
          return "red"; ]]]
      - padding-bottom: 5%
      - align-self: middle
      - justify-self: start
      - '--text-color-sensor': >-
          [[[ if (states["sensor.orange_livebox_upload_speed"].state > 80)
          return "red"; ]]]
      - padding-bottom: 5%
      - align-self: middle
      - justify-self: start
      - '--text-color-sensor': >-
          [[[ if (states["sensor.hp_envy_5640_series_black_ink"].state < 30)
          return "red"; ]]]
      - padding-bottom: 5%
      - align-self: middle
      - justify-self: start
      - '--text-color-sensor': >-
          [[[ if (states["sensor.hp_envy_5640_series_tri_color_ink"].state < 30)
          return "red"; ]]]
  WAN: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 20px; height: 20px;"> 
          [[[ var statecolor = (entity.state == 'on') ? 'var(--paper-item-icon-active-color)' : 'var(--paper-item-icon-color)';">]]]
  Down: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 12px; height: 12px; color: deepskyblue;">
        </ha-icon><span>Down: <span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${states['sensor.orange_livebox_download_speed'].state}MBs</span></span>`
  Upl: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 12px; height: 12px; color: deepskyblue;">
        </ha-icon><span>Up: <span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${states['sensor.orange_livebox_upload_speed'].state}MBs</span></span>`
  HPB: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 12px; height: 12px; color: black;">
        </ha-icon><span>HP Black: <span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${states['sensor.hp_envy_5640_series_black_ink'].state}%</span></span>`
  HPC: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 12px; height: 12px; color: deepskyblue;">
        </ha-icon><span>HP Color: <span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${states['sensor.hp_envy_5640_series_tri_color_ink'].state}%</span></span>`
type: custom:button-card

You’ve posted it twice now.

No, templates are between [[[ and ]]]. That’s your whole card configuration

I know that I have to play here:

  WAN: |
      return `<ha-icon
        style="width: 20px; height: 20px; color: var statecolor = (entity.state == 'Connecté') ? 'var(--paper-item-icon-active-color)' : 'var(--paper-item-icon-color)';">

When the WAN status is connected, the state is : “Connecté”, when disconnected : “Déconnecté”

alright, so the if statement variable that I referenced multiple times already needs to be in the template and before you return anything. So, again, where do you think it should go?

Sorry, I don’t understand anything :frowning:

Dude, what is inside the template? You know that the template is between [[[ and ]]]
What is before the return? You know where the return is. You’re 100% not reading what you have in front of you. This is very easy.

I don’t know what is Before the Return. All others code in this card start with Return after [[[.

Sorry, I’m not a developper, newbi with HA and french (the worst ;-))

you know what before means right? Do you see the word return?