Lovelace: Button card


I have a custom button with a light as the entity. When the light is off, I would like the state to show as off (which it does) but when the light is on, I would like the state to show the brightness level. I have the code below but it still just shows the state as on instead of brightness level. I know the state display is being called because if I change the variable to text, it changes. Any ideas?

              - operator: template
                value: >
                  [[[ return states['light.living_room_wall_lights'].state ==
                  'on' ]]]
                state_display: '[[[ entity.attributes.brightness ]]]'
  - value: 'on'
    state_display: |
        if (entity.state == 'on' && entity.attributes.brightness)
        return (Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.55)) + ' %';
        return 'On'
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does anyone know how to use the or statement within this card?

I need either of these to be true:

   value: |
        return (states['sensor.wiser_heating'].state === 'On')

   value: |
        return (states['sensor.wiser_heating_2'].state === 'On')

And what if both are true? If this canā€™t be the case, then why not just use ifā€¦elseifā€¦

I have e.g. in one card:

      - color: |-
            if (states["weather.openweathermap"].attributes["wind_speed"] >
            30) return "red";  else if
            (states["weather.openweathermap"].attributes["wind_speed"] > 20)
            return "orange";
            else return "black";

Or for multiple alternatives where there can always only be one hit:

entity_picture: |
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "sunny") return "/local/img/weather_animated/day.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "clear-night") return "/local/img/weather_animated/night.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "partlycloudy") return "/local/img/weather_animated/cloudy-day-2.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "cloudy") return "/local/img/weather_animated/cloudy.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "fog") return "/local/img/weather_animated/cloudy.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "rainy") return "/local/img/weather_animated/rainy-5.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "pouring") return "/local/img/weather_animated/rainy-6.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "lightning") return "/local/img/weather_animated/thunder.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "lightning-rainy") return "/local/img/weather_animated/rainy-6.svg";
    if (states["sensor.openweathermap_condition"].state == "snowy") return "/local/img/weather_animated/snowy-6.svg";
    else return "/local/img/weather_animated/weather.svg";


does someone has a clue why I get this error:

With this code:

    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: "custom:button-card"
            - card_scenes
            entity_id: script.1697722111760
            icon: mdi:netflix
            name: "Netflix"

from this custom card?

Hm. I donā€™t use it, but try to compare the example from your link

      entity_id: "scene.YOUR_SCENE"

with your

            entity_id: script.1697722111760

The issue was that you must have five entities and I tried it with one only. Once I defined the fith entity, it worked.

No. Perhaps as well. But the main problem was that your indention was wrong as pointed to.

Hi, trying to figure out if there is a way to set colors using css? Feels like there is something Iā€™m missing and after too many hours spent on finding out what, I hope someone can help.

to show a basic example:

type: custom:button-card
  - background-color: teal

What I would like to do is use a color from theme/css, or whatever that works

I seem to be able to use css-variables from some themes, but not from my own theme, or what seems like, none of the themes I have downloaded (from hacs) myself.

so, what am I missing?

Here is how to use a color (or any other value) defined in a theme (standard or custom):

if this is what you asked forā€¦

yes, except that I canā€™t get it to work for my own themeā€¦

this is from the theme-file:


  mush-rgb-red: 244, 67, 54

and then:

type: custom:button-card
    - background-color: var(--mush-rgb-red)

And that will not work.
my_mushroom is the theme I use globaly

What am I missing???

Why you have a color defined as ā€œ244,67,54ā€ instead of normal ā€œrgb(244,67,54)ā€ ?

thatā€™s what happens when you copy an existing theme and stop thinking :wink:

but still not working as I would like.

trying a bit more.
in theme-file:

  # Home Assistant override
  text-color: "#fff1cce6"
  color1: "#fff1cce6"

this works:

type: custom:button-card
    - background-color: var(--text-color)

but not this:

type: custom:button-card
    - background-color: var(--color1)

does this mean I can only use css-variables that overrides existing variables? wow, that makes it not so useful, I guess

in that case, is there any other way to define your own css-variables?

I have plenty of my own vars and they are used.

  some-fake-var: rgba(255,255,0,0.5)
  some-fake-var2: rgba(255,0,255,0.5)
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
            - background-color: cyan
      - type: custom:button-card
            - background-color: var(--accent-color)
      - type: custom:button-card
            - background-color: var(--some-fake-var)
      - type: custom:button-card
            - background-color: var(--some-fake-var2)


What the ā€œā€”ā€ string is doing in your theme code?

oh, the ā€” was just me overthinking itā€¦ to show that it wasnā€™t an overrideā€¦

but problem solved, so many hours spent on missing one of the fundamentals, so if anyone else is stupid enough to do stuff when you are way to tired, here it comes:


thanks for the help anyway, you did help!

Hi all,
question: is it possible to transition an icon animation?
for example: a fan has 2 speeds, when the speed changes from low to high or vice versa, can this change gradually instead of instant? (like a slow down or a speed up)

this is the code Iā€™m currently using to change the rotating speed of the spinning fan animation:

     - animation: |
           var a = entity.state;
           var b = states['binary_sensor.ventilation_low'].state;
           var c = states['binary_sensor.ventilation_high'].state;
           if (a == 'on' && b == 'on') return 'rotating 2s linear infinite'; 
           if (a == 'on' && c == 'on') return 'rotating 1s linear infinite'; 
           else return 'rotating 0s linear infinite';

Does somebody else using button cards have a problem when scrolling ā€œover a buttonā€ via a mobile device? (see Visual bug when scrolling over button via app/mobile device Ā· Issue #793 Ā· custom-cards/button-card Ā· GitHub)

I am sure it wasnā€™t like that in the pastā€¦

Thank you in advanceā€¦

Edit: Seems to be Safari/iOS/macOS related. Can somebody confirm?

check out this channel on youtube, he pretty much shows you everthing you can do re animation, and he is using a fan as example :slight_smile:

There are so many options and canā€™t answer right away if it will do as you want, but seems like it shouldā€¦

playlist button card

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thx for the link fich,
I did look at this channel before, but could not find what I was looking for unfortunately.

I had to look through all of them more than once before finding all I looked for, they are packed!

BTW, could ease-in-out instead of linear do what you are looking for?