Lovelace: Button card

Anyone tries useing mdi:numeric-1 ? It’s not working for me.

Asking because text buttons and icon buttons are not the same size.

Haven’t found an answer to this yet, in ‘Tiles’ I had a button that the colour reflected the on or off state of one sensor but was bound to a diffferent entity so pressing it for more_info brought up the relevant window for that, looked like this…

  - entity: sensor.hot_water_state
    icon: mdi:water
    label: " Water"
    more_info: climate.hot_water

It needs to work like this as the climate entity state is nearly always ‘AUTO’ whereas the sensor states whether it is actually on or off at the time. Anyone done it in a button card yet?

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Hi there,

I’m just starting to have a play with Lovelace and the custom-cards in particular. Really like it!!

I’m trying to get my cards to be transparent. Is this possible?
This is my code, but it doesn’t seem to be picking up the alpha part of the RGB value.

Any ideas?

  - type: "custom:button-card"
    color_type: card
    color: rgba(51, 72, 111, 0.24)
    entity: script.good_morning
    icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up
    name: "Good Morning"
    action: more_info
    show_state: true
      - text-transform: none
      - color: rgb(28, 128, 199)
      - font-weight: bold

Did you find out how to make the buttons smaller?

Unfortunately no. Have no idea what am I doing wrong. Will come back and try again some days later.
Please, let me know if you find the issue.

Just worked it out - you have to put the buttons within a vertical or horizontal stack.

See this example:

  - title: Experimental
    icon: mdi:test-tube
    background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/bg3.jpg") fixed
      - type: horizontal-stack
         - type: "custom:button-card"
           color_type: card
           color: rgba(51, 72, 111, 0.24)
           entity: script.good_morning
           icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up
           name: "Good Morning"
           action: more_info
           show_state: true
             - text-transform: none
             - color: rgb(7, 57, 66)
             - font-weight: bold
         - type: "custom:button-card"
           color_type: card
           color: rgba(51, 72, 111, 0.24)
           entity: script.home_mode__day
           icon: mdi:weather-sunset-down
           name: "Dusk Lighting"
           action: more_info
           show_state: true
             - text-transform: none
             - color: rgb(7, 57, 66)
             - font-weight: bold
         - type: "custom:button-card"
           color_type: card
           color: rgba(51, 72, 111, 0.24)
           entity: script.night_night
           icon: mdi:bed-empty
           name: "Night Night"
           action: more_info
           show_state: true
             - text-transform: none
             - color: rgb(7, 57, 66)
             - font-weight: bold
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Is anyone using lovelace with ‘Fully Kiosk Browser’?

I’m trying this out, but the custom card .js files don’t seem to be loading. It works on the same device with Chrome.

Is there any method, where after clicking on the button, next button are shown underneath?
Example, after clicking “living room” button, underneath i have buttons from light switches, info from all sensors?

You could do this with the conditional card I think. Take a look at this:

I’d love to use this card with Lovelace but I’m a bit concerned that @kuuji hasn’t been seen on here or updated the code for the past 30 days. Is this our only way to implement buttons using Lovelace? It would be nice if this was a default UI feature as buttons work and feel so much better as an interface to my HA entities (I’m a big fan of Custom UI: Tiles but it’s a huge shame that @eddi89 deleted the github repo). :frowning:

Great Custom Card!
I’m trying to use this to select an option but can’t get it to work really. Have been trying for a while now so reaching out for help:

  • title: light
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-on-outline
    • type: “custom:button-card”
      icon: mdi:circle-slice-1
      action: service
      domain: input_select
      action: select_option
      entity_id: input_select.light_scene
      option: Kväll

Error: You need to define entity

Have also tried this:

  • title: light
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-on-outline
    • type: “custom:button-card”
      icon: mdi:circle-slice-1
      entity: input_select.light_scene
      action: service
      domain: input_select
      action: select_option
      option: Kväll

No error - no action

@kuuji Looks like time to submit the card to the official repo and earn some Hacktoberfest credits :slight_smile:

Hey y’all!

Sorry I’ve been away for a while. I’ve been pretty busy during the past few weeks with work, friends visiting from abroad and I got sick pretty bad 2 weeks ago. But things are looking better now and I started to look at the backlog.

@arsaboo I’ll look into opening a PR to the official repo and I’ll probably include a release with some new features at the same time.


I haven’t tried to work with a select. The original target was mostly things with an on and off state and lights.

I probably have to make some small adjustment in the code to support that. In the meantime maybe you can map the button to an input boolean that triggers the select_option.

What prevents you from using the button at this time?

I think fully kiosk browser doesn’t support html custom components which I make use of for this module.

I personally just use chrome, you can add a shortcut to your homescreen from chrome and that shortcut will open home assistant in fullscreen, works well for me.

Right now the more-info action always trigger the entity specified on the button. It shouldn’t too hard for me to add an option to override that.

I’ll look into it


I’m not sure we can do templating with lovelace. If you have an example of another module that supports that, could you send it my way?

Customizing the states and their icons is totally possible though, I’ll look into it, I think a lot of people would like that.

I was looking into doing that at the very beginning of this project but it was not very reliable. I’ll try to have a second look now that I’m more comfortable with the code.

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If you add empty buttons on each side you can get a smaller button. Check github, I have an example with some volume buttons.