Lovelace: Button card

Thank you, @PodPerson

Do I add ‘Lovelace Colors’ section to every theme? I have five different dark themes.


  # Lovelace Colours #
  primary-button-colour: 'rgb(91, 237, 54)'
  secondary-button-colour: 'rgb(221, 232, 6)'
  low-colour: 'rgb(14, 245, 249)'
  high-colour: 'rgb(211, 97, 106)'
  light-bright: 'rgb(255,215,184)'
  light-soft: 'rgb(255,180,115)'
  light-dim: 'rgb(255,120,0)'
  light-dark: 'rgb(255,16,0)'
  # Main Stuff #
  primary-color: "#1ABA92" # Primary (most of the UI)
  primary-background-color: "#303030" # Primary background colour (dialogs, e.t.c)
  secondary-background-color: "#303030" # Secondary background colour (main UI background)
  paper-card-background-color: "#424242" # Card background colour
  paper-item-icon-color: "#1ABA92" # Icon colour
  primary-text-color: "#FFFFFF" # Primary text colour
  secondary-text-color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)" # Secondary text colour
  disabled-text-color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" # Disabled text colour
  divider-color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)" # Divider colour
  paper-card-header-color: "#FFFFFF" # Card header text colour

To be clear, the ones I mentioned are just ones I made up for my own (the light-bright, etc are because I have 4 modes of light settings). You can use any colours or variables names you want, but yes, make sure that any variables you reference in your templates/buttons are included in any theme you want to use.

Figured out this one from one of your old posts and reading from the documentation. @RomRider

- value: 'off'
      - color: red
      - opacity: 1
      #- align-items: flex-end
      #- justify-content: flex-start


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Would it be possible to add a variable which plays a sound or vibrate the cellphone when you press a button?

for reference to the community, answering myself here… This is what I found to be working for my single button in the button config:

        name_template: >
          var fakestate = `<span style="color: #555B65;font-size: 11px"> ${entity.state.substr(0, entity.state.length-11)} </span>`;
          return 'Last motion' + "<br>" + fakestate

tried it without var at first, using the html code in the name_template directly, but it kept showing that html code on the button. Using the var does the trick, but probably because I didnt find the correct syntax.

@RomRider is the css code for word-wrap below not yet supported on your Button card? Ive tried various options and places in the config, but no change in output (no error either):

      - word-wrap: break-word

or maybe even:

      - word-wrap: break-word

would be really nice and cleaner to be able to set that in the config, and not have to use the name_template version. Please consider adding that, and overflow-wrap?

I ask because I’ve also tried to set the overflow-wrap or word-wrap in the css setting for the html element:

        name_template: >
          var fakestate = `<span style="color: #555B65;font-size: 11px;word-wrap:break-word;"> ${entity.state.substr(0, entity.state.length-11)} </span>`;
          return 'Last motion' + "<br>" + fakestate

without succes unfortunately. Not sure if this is a Button-card issue or HA issue, but fact of the matter is I need the word-wrap property and can’t get it to work as it should…

Can you share the code?

HI @RomRider

would a template on the action fields be possible? To be able to template the following hard-coded button:
I did manage to switch.toggle with this:

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_motion
        name: Corridor <br> office
        entity: binary_sensor.corridor_office_motion_sensor
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: switch.corridor_office_motion_sensor_switch

we would need something like this:

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_motion
        name: Corridor
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: >
              'switch.' + entity.object_id + '_switch'
               # switch.{{entity.object_id}}_switch  in Jinja
        action: more-info

or , if object_id wouldn’t be available:

      entity_id: >
         var id = entity.entity_id.split('.')[1];
         'switch.' + id + '_switch'

or have it work on action: toggle?

          action: toggle
          entity_id: switch.corridor_office_motion_sensor_switch

and templated:

          action: toggle
            entity_id: >
              'switch.' + entity.object_id + '_switch'

We could of course hard code this, if the secondary entity_id would be allowed on action: toggle, (it isn’t yet is it?) but that would require doing so on each button.

Enabling this in an action_template would allow for setting it up in the button template once, and leave the button config simple as can be.

thanks for considering

Loving the button card, using it for camera controls!
Quick question, is there a way of quickly blinking the button to simulate the button being pressed? In my example, I want the card to change colour when I click it to run a script, or to send mqtt messages.

Add a little delay at the end of your script.

      - delay:
          milliseconds: 500

Worked a treat, thanks very much!

There’s already a haptic option if you use the IOS beta app. I’m not sure that sound is a good idea but maybe vibrate for other phones could be interesting. Could you open a feature request on Github please?

I’ll have a look into this, please open a feature request. In the meantime, I think you can use config-template-card

Try this:

    - text-overflow: unset
    - white-space: unset
    - word-break: break-word

yes, that works, thank you! tried it with only word-break: ( since i had word-wrap before and hadn’t seen than yet), but that wouldn’t work. Now Ill check why it needs text-overflow and white-space: unset …

will do, referring to this thread, thanks for considering! see: add external entity in action:, preferably with templatable entities · Issue #187 · custom-cards/button-card · GitHub

have you given the icon_template some thought? Seems to good to miss out on. (appreciate your remarks on javascript and doubling features…)

I tried but I do not know if I did it right

Is it possible to specify a maximum size for a button while using aspect_ratio:? The idea being a button cannot exceed a specific dimension when viewed on larger screens.

Case in point - when I load my homekit-like buttons, which leverage a 1/1 aspect ratio, they look normal on my iPad Air 2 but are gigantic on my iPad Pro. Being able to specify something like max_size:xxx or max_height/width:xxx in conjunction with aspect_ratio: would be awesome.


yes, that would indeed be very nice!
When using the original Tiles custom html card we have this option:

column_width: minmax(75px, 75px)

which could of course be set to the specific demands. Maybe this could be translated to Button requirements?


is there a way to make a tapaction to an external website (link) ?
navigation_path: '' seems to work only for internal navigation.
I didnt find any other information. Any help where i could change myself? Thanks!

Use action url.

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Sorry if this has already been asked, but i can’t find anything.
This is my first attempt with configuration templates.

I have a template:

    show_label: true
    label: '-'
    color_type: card
        - border-style: solid
        - border-width: 2px
        - border-color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
        - grid-template-areas: '"i s" "i l" "i n"'
        - grid-template-columns: 40% 1fr
        - justify-self: end
        - padding-right: 15px
        - justify-self: end
        - padding-right: 15px
      - value: 'on'
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
      - value: 'off'
            - background-color: var(--primary-background-color)

(same with other styles config for the right button)

and want to change the icon in the button-card by the state:

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: mcp_left
                    entity: switch.m2_b7_out
                    label: OG Bad
                      - value: 'on'
                        icon: mdi:arrow-up-thick
                      - value: 'off'
                        icon: mdi:arrow-down-thick

                  - type: custom:button-card
                    template: mcp_right
                    entity: switch.m2_a0_out

but it only shows the default flash icon.
If i comment out the state config in the template, it works as expected.

I could be wrong but shouldn’t there be a styles: in your button config?

label: OG Bad
  - value: 'on'
      icon: ...

Thanks for your reply, but how do i define an icon in the state/value/styles option?
If i define the icon in the template, it works, but then i can’t use the template for other buttons,

      - value: 'on'
        icon: mdi:arrow-up-thick
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
            - color: var(--paper-card-background-color)
      - value: 'off'
        icon: mdi:arrow-down-thick
            - background-color: var(--primary-background-color)