Lovelace - cannot make it work


Whatever I do, the Lovelace UI give me empty page. I tried multiple basic options, but nothing works. Can someone help me with this. This is one of the basic views that I tried to setup. Is this only for Hass or should any version of HA work?

title: My Awesome Home
  - type: entities
    title: Entities card sample
    show_header_toggle: true
      - switch.entry_light
      - switch.garage_light

Lovelace is a part of the core of Home Assistant. You do not need hassio for it to work.

Is your file called ui-lovelace.yaml? And it sits in the root of the config directory?

The entities you have listed are real entities in your Home Assistant system?

Yes, this is the file that I created and example above is what I have in that file.

      - switch.entry_light
      - switch.garage_light

are real entities that I have.

The page is blank:

Your file doesn’t exactly look like the example.

From the documentation:

As a super minimal example, here’s the bare minimum you will need for this to work:

title: My Awesome Home
    # View tab title.
  - title: Example
    panel: true
    # Makes the first card fill the view
        # The markdown card will render markdown text.
      - type: markdown
        title: Lovelace
        content: >
          Welcome to your **Lovelace UI**.

You’re missing the cards: key.

to expand on @anon43302295, you’re missing the whole view. You list views, but then go straight to a card.

Loveless at a high level will look like this in your configuration:

  - view1:
      - card1
      - card2
  - view2:
      - card1
      - card2

You have this:

  - card1:

So to make your example work. You need to add a view that will hold the card.

And if you didn’t know, views are essentially the tabs at the top of the page. Cards are the elements that are displayed on the page.

You also had title in the wrong spot. Title goes with the view. You don’t name the collection of views.

Anyways, this will make config work:

  - title: My Awesome Home
      - type: entities
        title: Entities card sample
        show_header_toggle: true
          - switch.entry_light
          - switch.garage_light

It worked thank you very much!!!