This would allow people assigned to the upstairs_bedroom_1, upstairs_bedroom_2, and guests groups access to this card. The groups on the entities restricts viewing the selection for each entity to the groups assigned to that entity. No group assigned makes it visible to anyone that can view the card.
Probably could. But this should be standard functionality, not an addon that may be broken the next release when the-powers-that-be make a change that breaks it. The last release toasted my zwave, roomba, and ring environments. Finally got them working again with 90.1.
I looked at the state-switch and it seems it would require duplicating cards and entities multiple times for each user that has access. For example, my children each have access to the controls in the game room, but guest users do not. So I would have to duplicate all of the controls in the game room for each of my kids, but not for the guest user id. That could make for a lot of duplicate code. But if the devs would give us the ability to do an include in lovelace where we could put card sections in separate files, then the duplicate code wouldn’t be as much of an issue.
That is true though, works perfect though. I use it to display remotes for my ATV. When ATV 1 starts playing it will automatically display the correct remote control. Though yes you will need to duplicate the code (however I believe there is a way to just use an already used card, but I haven’t looked into this yet). I also use it to color my buttons whenever a button is on. Whereas I used a custom button card before I use the core one now and this way I can color them (but a lot of code indeed).
Though I do not think this will be broken soon, and if it does I think it will be fixed quickly as Thomas Loven made a lot of these cards for Home Assistant and to my knowledge also contributes a lot to the core of Home Assistant.
Watching the video, I agree, it’s a nice item. There are other places where I might use it. But with over 2000 lines in my lovelace file right now, I want to limit any more duplication than I have to. It’s already customized so that the ui editor doesn’t help. I have to use raw to configure it. Breaking up the lovelace file into manageable chunks should really be a high priority.
I’m asking that lovelace cards be changed to check if someone is in a group that has the ability to see items on a screen/tab. However you want to implement it, doesn’t make any difference to me. That’s for the devs to decide. I’m giving an example of a proposed implementation.
You can already do that by using yaml mode. And since you are already using the raw config editor exclusively then you will gain the ability to use !include’s and lose nothing in the GUI editor except having to make extra clicks to open your config file in a text editor.