Lovelace card, shades/blinds code

Hello programers, I am dealing with the problem with my blinds code. It’s great for any other switch, but not for blinds. I would like to use some if statment. Something like, if shades are closed, use this “closed shades picture” until I press openShades button.
Configuration that I am using is simple, and I dont have real info if shades are open or closed on my 3d flat.

Mby action “toggle” is not the best for this kind of switches…

My shades are closing after sunset, and after they are closed switch is turning off. On my phone I can see they are closed, only for the time of closing. (when switch is “on” or active).

Mby picture will help you to understand me beatter :slight_smile:

Thank you for reading this and trying to solve my problem! :slight_smile: