Lovelace: Clock Card

sorry guys, basic question where do I add these lines:

  - type: 'custom:clockwork-card'
    #title: "My Time"
    locale: en-AU
    entity: sensor.date_time_iso
      - "America/New_York"
      - "Australia/Sydney"
      - "America/Los_Angeles"

In Lovelace go to “Edit Dashboard” then click on the button in the bottom right “Add Card” – Scroll to the bottom of the screen and use “manual”

the “display: none” does not work for some reason. I would like to only display my local time. How do I do that?

Has clockwork been removed from HACS? I’m not finding it.

I stopped using this as it stopped working and only used because I wanted world times.

I use the picture-elements card. It works all the time I have HA well.


Can you show your code for that?

Here is the code. Place the card background image in the www folder

  - entity: sensor.time
      color: orange
      font-size: 5.5vw
      left: 50%
      top: 35%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.den_mesic_rok
      color: orange
      font-size: 1.5vw
      left: 50%
      top: 87%
    type: state-label
image: /local/karta/cas_datum1.png
style: |
  ha-card {
    border: 1px solid orange;
type: picture-elements

Enjoying this card, would love to be able to have customer names against east additional timezone for international family.


"Grandparents: <timezone> <time>"
"Uncle: <timezone> <time>"

I’m also interesting in renaming the time zones… can this be done?