Lovelace: column-card

Thanks Thomas, you do not know how long I have been trying to get that working!

@thomasloven After update HA to 0.81.1 every entities card in column-card (with panel: true) has invalid style for card title.

Glance card (left side) has correct styled title but entities card (right side) not.

My config:

- id: home
    icon: mdi:home
    title: 'Pomieszczenia'
    panel: true
      - type: custom:column-card
          - type: glance
            title: 'Salon'
            show_name: false
            column_width: calc(100% / 4)
              - sensor.temperature_salon
              - sensor.humidity_salon
              - sensor.co2_salon
              - sensor.illumination_salon
          - type: entities
            title: 'Pracownia'
            show_header_toggle: false
              - sensor.temperature_pracownia
              - sensor.humidity_pracownia
              - binary_sensor.balcony_door_pracownia

Any solution for that?

I’m sorry. I cant’ seem to be able to reproduce this.

By the way column_width: is deprecated.
You should use columns: 4 instead - or rather yet just leave it out entirely.

It’s very strange but on my test system I can’t reproduce this issue either. However, on the main system, adding column-card broke titles style. The problem isn’t related to the browser cache. I clean the cache every time.

I’m having trouble getting this card to work with the new Thermostat card.
With the following config:

- type: custom:column-card
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.bedroom

it renders like this:

Have you got any idea what is happening here?

Afraid not, but I’ve heard of the issue. Could you please post an issue on github to remind me for when I get the time to look at this?

I found a way to reproduce this.
When the first card inside column-card is entity-filter with the entities card, all the entites card titles are invalid styled. The same issue occurs with the layout-card.


Example config:

  - id: c9621a53bbc144f687b870575aade4ef
    icon: mdi:home
    title: 'Pomieszczenia'
    panel: true
      - type: custom:layout-card
          - type: entity-filter
              - device_tracker.iphone
              - device_tracker.ipad
              - device_tracker.oneplus
              - home
              type: entities
              title: 'W domu'
          - id: 47fe3813d353437f98b61740fa607cf4
            type: custom:monster-card
            show_empty: false
              type: entities
              title: 'Światła'
            show_header_toggle: false
                - domain: light
                - entity_id: light.lamp_salon
                - entity_id: light.cabinet_antek
                - entity_id: light.leds_przedpokoj

Try with the latest version of layout-card. I haven’t tested, but I may have accidentally fixed this…

Issue gone with latest version of th layout-card. Thank you.


I have tried searching around for how to add this custom card to my Home Assistant but have not had any luck.

Could someone point me in the right direction to add this new card style?

Thanks in advance

Before anything else: Don’t use column-card. Use layout-card.

How to add a custom card is described in the first page of the lovelace documentation, under the section “Custom Cards”

This also has a good description:


It’s replaced by layout-card

I can’t edit the first post in the topic anymore… @fabaff can you do something? Locking the topic would be ok. Thank you @rpitera.

I understand this card was depreciated but it seems like the new card cannot create a bar at the top like the original. Is there a reason you depreciated it?

@thomasloven Do you think it’s possible to be able to make columns different widths? So like column 1 and 2 are say 200px and 3rd column is say 400px?

I really recommend reading through the entire readme before jumping into using layout-card - It’s tricky stuff to get right.
Particularly the second sentence of the Layouts section.

I also really recommend posting questions about layout-card in the forum thread for layout-card.