Lovelace Conditional Card - Inconsistent with States?

I’d like to use the type: conditional in the picture-elements card to display (or not) an element based on whether a persistent_notification exists.

However, despite being able to test for unknown in the States page,

it doesn’t work in the conditional card, and this,

              - type: conditional
                  - entity: persistent_notification.weather_warning
                    state_not: 'unknown'
                  - type: image
                    image: /local/panel/weather_warning.png

will display the image even if the notification does not exist.

Is there a way to make this work as intended?


state_not: 'None'

or maybe

state_not: none

Thanks but neither of those worked.

(And for what it’s worth nor did 'none' or None)

I just put the following into my config and it seemed to be working correctly for me:

  - type: conditional
      - entity: persistent_notification.weather_warning
        state: 'unknown'
      type: entities
        - device_tracker.life360_me

I can change the condition back and forth from “state:” to “state_not:” and the card changes from not displayed to being displayed. And I don’t have an existing “persistent_notification.weather_warning” entity right now either.

I’m not using a picture elements card but the basic functionality should work either way.

hhmmm, strange. I ended up creating a sensor to get around this but I’ll take another look…

EDIT: Nope… it doesn’t work for me. Maybe something to do with it being a picture-entity card?

This always shows the image, weather_warning.png.

      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: picture-elements
            image: /local/panel/main_section.svg
              #=== Weather Warning Icon
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: persistent_notification.weather_warning
                    state_not: 'unknown'
                  - type: image
                    image: /local/panel/weather_warning.png
                      action: call-service
                      service: browser_mod.command
                        command: popup
                        auto_close: true
                          type:  markdown
                          title: ' '
                          content: >
                            {% if states('persistent_notification.weather_warning') != 'unknown' %}
                              {% set colour = state_attr('persistent_notification.weather_warning', 'message' ).split('##')[1] | trim %}
                              {% set message = state_attr('persistent_notification.weather_warning', 'message' ).split('</font>')[1] | trim %}
                              ## <font color={{ colour }}> {{ colour }}</font> Weather Warning ##
                              {{ message }}
                            {% endif %}

Agin, i’m not sure why your config isn’t working.

I put you exact code from above into my lovelace (I only changed the image file names/location) and it still works fine for me. If I change the state from state_not to state then the image disappears.

But one thing that does seem strange is I would have expected state_not to not display the image since I don’t have an existing “persistent_notification.weather_warning”. That seems backwards to me.

Have you tried switching the state_not to state and seeing if the image stops being displayed?

Well, well, well.
Yes that works. Although technically it doesn’t because as you say it is completely round the wrong way…

I’ll need to wait for (or create) a persitant notification to check it works (wrongly :wink: ) when one exists but
thanks for spotting that!