Lovelace custom card on Home Assistant Core at all possible?

Question: is it at all possible to install custom Lovelace cards in Home Assistant Core?

  • Running HA Core in a python virtual environment on Xubuntu 20.04. Trying to install the custom power-wheel-card (Github). Dropped ‘power-wheel-card.js’ in config/www. In my case: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/

  • Using yaml-mode for Lovelace. Added ‘resource’ statement to ui-lovelace.yaml:

    • url: /local/power-wheel-card.js?v=1
      type: module
  • When loading front-end, I get response ‘custom card does not exist’.

  • Permissions on files and directories are OK. Searched the forums, and it’s unclear to me whether custom cards only work in Assistant, or also in HA Core.

Any ideas welcome!

The good news: Yes, custom Lovelace cards work just fine with HA Core (which I’m also using).

I usually install these using HACS (if possible), otherwise I manually add the resources under ConfigurationLovelace DashboardsResources.

I dimly seem to remember (maybe I’m wrong) that ui-lovelace.yaml has been deprecated? You might want to check on this.

I’m using HA Core 0.112.4 and lots of custom cards.

Thanks – I went the manual route you suggested (config -> dashboard -> resources) and that worked. Wasn’t entirely happy, as I only have a GUI-managed Lovelace test page, and manage the ‘production’ part of my front-end fully via YAML (I don’t think that’s deprecated, at least, I hope not!). Yet oddly enough, after having added the custom card in the GUI, it suddenly started to work on the YAML-page as well. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but the end result is satisfactory!

Glad I could help! Personally, I’m also not too happy about having part of my configuration in YAML, and other parts done via the UI.