Lovelace custom harmony-card not showing icons with 0.110

With the latest release the custom harmony card I have been using is no longer showing the icons. They are there, just not visible. Looks like a blank card.

Home Assistant 0.110 changes how developers need to work with custom icons. You can find the information released to developers here.

In other words, it is up to the developer of the Harmony card (and other cards) to update their code. Some people have already reported the issue on the Github issue tracker of the Harmony card here.

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Thanks for the quick reponse.

Can someone help me explain how to create extra buttons in the card.

f.e. with my television i use the guide button frequent.
f.e. for netflix and prime i have to use the exit button to leave the smart apps.

Also very interested on how to get a button to toggle on/off devices at the bottom of the screen.
Sometimes a device is already turned on and with selecting the activity you accidental turn if of, so that it does not work.


Does anyone else have this issue (missing icons) since 2021.11 ?
Or is it just me :frowning: