Lovelace custom plugin instal using HACS

Hi world,

I would link to install the custom entity “slider-entity-row” using HACS in web mode (i keep everything done automatically, I’m not in YALM mode). However this does not work.
NB : sorry for approximate menu names, I’m using a french version, so translation may not be accurate
So far:

  1. I installed the entity using HACS front end. As explained in the HACS doc, it installed the files in /config/www/community/lovelace-slider-entity-row. At the end of the install, my web browser cache is deleted and the HA interface reloaded.
  2. In the configuration menu then lovelace ui, in the ressource tab, the entity is listed with URL “/hacsfiles/lovelace-slider-entity-row/slider-entity-row.js” and as a “Javascript module”, which seems correct according to HACS documentation
    After installation, I restarted HA (menu configuration/server/ and then restart)
    So the installation is consistent with the HACS lovelace plugin documentation : HERE

Now, if I try to add a manual card with the following code (“volet1” being a rolling curtain)

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
  - entity: cover.volet1

I’ve got this error

No entity specified. type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'

I do not really know what to do to fix this error. I tried to specify a different folder name in the config/lovelace/ressources pannel, without any success so far

Removing the dash (-) before ‘entity’ (but keeping ‘entity’ vertically aligned with the above ‘type’) will get you there …

Thanks for the suggestion, but it does not work…

type: entities
  type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
  entity: cover.voletbureau

Now the error message is ‘entities must be specified’
Nb: meantime i renamed the entity name because I continue working on my installation. I checked the entity name by using it in a classical entity display. It appears that in the generated code, the entity name is lowercap. So I did use the same (i also tried the original displayed name)

Any idea?

There was only one dash to remove

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
    entity: cover.volet1

Craig_McGowan, you’re my hero…I’ve been struggling with this…
Thanks a lot!