Lovelace: custom sidebar card

Is there something i am missing?
Why doesn’t start the tiles at the top of the screen?

I use this code

  digitalClock: true
  clock: false
  date: true
  dateFormat: DD MMMM YYYY
  hideTopMenu: false
  style: |
    :host {
        --sidebar-background: #171D1F;
        --sidebar-text-color: #B4B7B7;
        --face-color: #FFF;
        --face-border-color: #FFF;
        --clock-hands-color: #000;
        --clock-seconds-hand-color: #FF4B3E;
        --clock-middle-background: #FFF;
        --clock-middle-border: #000;
    h1.digitalClock {
        color: #B4B7B7;
        font-weight: 350;
        font-size: 70px!important;
        padding-left: 30px;
        padding-top: 30px;
    .date {
        color: #545C5F;
        font-weight: 450;
        line-height: 35px;
        padding-left: 30px;
        padding-top: 20px;

    .template li {
        font-weight: 450!important;
        font-size: 26px;
        line-height: 35px!important;
        padding-left: 30px;
        padding-top: 20px;
  template: |
    <li>{{ states('sensor.sidebar_greeting') }}</li>
    <li>{{ states('sensor.sidebar_weather') }}</li>
    <li>{{ states('sensor.sidebar_active') }}</li>
    mobile: 0
    tablet: 30
    desktop: 18

  hide_header: true

background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/background.png") fixed

  - panel: true
    path: "home"
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
        home: true
        useBrightness: false
        useTemperature: false
        titleColor: "#FFF"
        enableColumns: true
        statePositionTop: true
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 4
                  - title: Verlichting Begane grond
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      - entity: light.shelly_shdm_1_db2cc7
                        name: Gang
                        icon: mdi:track-light
                      - entity: light.shelly_shdm_1_d0ea50
                        name: schemerlamp woonkamer
                        icon: mdi:floor-lamp
                      - entity: light.shelly_shdm_1_db48c4
                        name: plafond woonkamer
                        icon: mdi:track-light
                      - entity: light.shelly_shdm_1_db30bc
                        name: plafond keuken
                        icon: mdi:track-light

Hey, have you tried with “home: false” in the homekit-card card ?


I having some problems adding calendar card to my tablet dashboard.

When I am trying to add the calendar to the side bar is getting out of proportions

Any suggestions ?


When you add the bottomCard, you can also add style you need to add css to make it fit nice and look good. it is not something the sidebar does for you.

1 Like

Thanks, that works

Hey man,

How did you get the side bar translucent? I have been trying for days and can’t manage to do it?

Man this is so clean.

How did you manage to make your graph be a gradient colour and without any borders?

The gradient, or color transition rather, is part of the options in mini-graph-card.
You can use color_thresholds and set a value and color.
For instance, on mine I have the following for indoor temperatures:

            - value: 69
              color: "#0846c2"
            - value: 70
              color: "#19b7e9"
            - value: 72
              color: "#ebd500"
            - value: 74
              color: "#c0392b"

To get the extents of the bottom card to fill the width of the sidebar, you have to add some css styles on the bottom card.
I actually have two cards in my bottom card section by using the vertical stack.
This is what my bottom card code looks like currently:

    type: vertical-stack
        - type: weather-forecast
          entity: weather.home
          show_forecast: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: transparent;
              border-radius: 0px; 
              margin: 0px !important;
              padding: 0px 16px 0px !important;
              box-shadow: none !important;
              font-size: 5px !important;
              /*filter: grayscale(100%);*/
              -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
            :host .content {
              flex-flow: row-reverse !important;
            :host .state , :host .temp {
              font-size: 18px !important;
              font-weight: 300 !important;
            .temp-attribute {
              text-align: left;
              margin-left: -78px;
            ha-card .icon-image svg {
              height: 32px !important;
            :host .temp-attribute span {
              font-size: 11px !important;
              top: 7px !important;
              color: rgb(156, 156, 156);
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          name: ' '
          icon: 'mdi:home-thermometer-outline'
            - sensor.current_temp
            - value: 69
              color: "#0846c2"
            - value: 70
              color: "#19b7e9"
            - value: 72
              color: "#ebd500"
            - value: 74
              color: "#c0392b"
            fill: fade
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: transparent;
              color: #fff;
              overflow: hidden !important;
              box-shadow: none !important;
              margin-bottom: -50px;
              font-size: 8px !important;
              border-radius: 0px !important;
              -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
              padding: 0px !important;
            ha-card .header {
              font-size: 8px !important;
              line-height: 9px;
              padding: 0px 16px 0px !important;
              margin-bottom: -24px;
            ha-card .states {
              padding: 0px 16px 2px !important;
    cardStyle: |
      :host {
        width: 100%;
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;

And then a current screenshot. It’s still in the works, as I only work on it a little at a time, tweaking things before cramming everything in my lovelace. I took this screenshot from my browser window, but I style my lovelace based on what device I will be using it on. Notice the weather temperature value is pushed to the right a bit, but on my Lenovo M8, it is aligned perfectly with the forecast and the indoor temp.


There is a default style for h1.digitalclock for font-size, so you have to replace that style.

Use this:

h1.digitalClock {
  font-size: 80px !important;

well, i never changed a thing. After updating to 0.117 it was translucent. Right now, i think after updating to 2020.12.0, the translucency was gone… I’d like to have it back too, so if someone knows how :smiley:

im trying to get the sidebar to work but it simply wont show up on my dashboard. this is what i have in my raw config.

  digitalClock: true
  clock: true
  twelveHourVersion: true
  date: true
  width: 20
  hideTopMenu: true
  - title: Home
    icon: 'mdi:home-outline'

hi, to insert a new lovelace dashboard in the configuration.yaml I entered this:

  mode: storage
  # Add yaml dashboards
      mode: yaml
      title: Vista Tablet
      icon: mdi:script
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: tablet_lovelace.yaml

I created so I have tablet_lovelace.yaml file in which I entered:


  - url: /local/sidebar-card.js
    type: module

  digitalClock: true
  clock: true
  twelveHourVersion: true
  date: true
  width: 20
  hideTopMenu: true

unfortunately I can’t see anything. If I copy the content of the other dashboard instead I see everything


i think the width:20 is the problem
Should be like this:

    mobile: 0
    tablet: 25
    desktop: 20

@cannos88 you also use width:20 see above

I tried that but it is still not showing up.

Try to set “hideTopMenu: true” to false, I had the same problem and I think it worked when I set it to false.

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Maybe just try the basic with no extra config.
Or check the developer console of your browser for an error and share it maybe that will help to find the problem.

Hey DBuit, I submitted a pull request on GitHub to fix the 12 hour time showing the wrong period (am/pm). Also added the option to be able to hide the period as well. It’s my first pull request or anything with Git to be honest.

Hi @peteywhit,

Nice! will check that today.

I got it to start working now but there are still some issues im having.

  1. the sidebar card only shows up when i refresh my dasboard and if i switch dashboards it disapears.
    2 . the top part of the card gets cut off by the top menue and whenever i try hideTopMenu the whole thing stops working.

See code.

  title: MyHome
  date: true
  clock: true
  digitalClock: true
  twelveHourVersion: true
  hideTopMenu: true
  showTopMenuOnMobile: true
    mobile: 0
    tablet: 25
    desktop: 20
    - action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-homekit/home
      name: Home
      active: true
    - action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-homekit/living-room
      name: Living Room
    - action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-homekit/kitchen
      name: Kitchen
    - action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-homekit/bathroom
      name: Bathroom

is there any way to make the sidebar menu scrollable?