LoveLace Dashboard Issues

I cannot seem to configure or have HA auto configure my dashboard correctly.

No matter what I seem to do I end up with a stack of cards in Column 2

In column 1, there are five cards

column 2, 20 plus

column 3 & 4 2 cards each.

Is one of my cards causing this? no matter how much I arrange them up / down I still get this strange behavior?

I have tried deleting cards, re arranging the order but still end up with the same outcome.

I know others have had issues in the past but have yet to find a solution, others have asked if it is possible just to drag / drop on the dashboard, would be a very nice feature?


Difficult to answer without your code. How should it look like?

I would like the four column’s to be equally distributed, not as it is now with column 2 containing most of the cards.

My Code


Thank you.
After copying your „home“ dashboard I can see many single cards.
Working with many horizontal and vertical elements quickly becomes confusing in the UI. I would go like this:
Copy the whole code into a yaml file to sort the elements.
Assign main columns on top of each of the 4 sections (e.g. type: grid with 1 column, this way you have an optical difference, which makes it easier to differ between main and child elements).
Indent the corresponding child elements accordingly.

Hi, Not sure by what you mean by Indent, could you give an example?


Sure. Let’s say, you have a grid card:

    type: grid
    columns: 3
    square: false
    title: Lampen
      - type: …
        entity: …

Now yo want to make this grid card part of another grid or a stack card. You create a new yaml file

# test.yaml

    type: vertical-stack
      - …

You can’t copy your grid card directly under your (main) stack card, because this would look like this and would be invalid:

    type: vertical-stack
     - type: grid #invalid indentation 
    columns: 3 #invalid indentation
    square: false #invalid indentation
    title: Lampen #invalid indentation
    cards: #invalid indentation
      - type: … #invalid indentation

Correct indentation:

    type: vertical-stack
      - type: grid
        columns: 2
        square: false
        title: Lampen
          - type: …

Ok so lets say 4 columns, 4 vertical stack cards each containing all the individual cards I want in that column?

Yes. Some simplified example:

type: grid # frame
columns: 1
square: false
title: Home
  - type: markdown # top card
    content: >
      Hello! It's {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_temperature') |int(0)
      |round(1)}}° and {{ states('sensor.openweathermap_condition') }}
  - type: horizontal-stack # let the following columns float from left to right
      - type: vertical-stack # col. 1
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
      - type: vertical-stack  # col. 2
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
      - type: vertical-stack  # col. 3
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:cat
      - type: vertical-stack  # col. 4
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
          - type: button
            icon_height: 42px
            icon: mdi:dog
