Lovelace Dashboards code [ previously ui-lovelace.yaml ]

I love the easy to control & edit Lovelace Dashboard but where is the Dashboard code stored?
Previously I was using ui-lovelace.yaml but this is now phased out. Any idea where HA stores the dashboard’s code?

its in the .storage folder


and its not Yaml

I’m not sure where you saw that but that isn’t at all correct.

I’m on v110 and I still use ui-lovelace.yaml

Thus this imply that documentation is outdated? I am trying to activate my first custom cards but I always get

Custom element does not exist: calendar-card

this is for all custom cards located at www/community (via HACS)

Resourres paths should be ok (now in ui-lovelace.yaml):

  - type: module
    url: /local/calendar-card.js?v=0.8.0
  - type: module
    url: /local/simple-weather-card-bundle.js?v=0.8.0

No. The resources no longer go in ui-lovelace.yaml. They go in configuration.yaml under the lovelace: section.

And the resource path for HACS is /hacsfiles/… not /local/…

Ok so docs about ui-lovelace.yaml are outdated… you are too dynamic guys… :wink:

However, with my simple installation on my Raspberry 2 there seems to be a general problem with all lovelace custom:cards:

  • after installation (via HACS) some are visible in the lovelace widget editor, some or not…
  • even when visible they dont work at all (i.e. time picker card, calendar-card) or only with strange results (atomic-calendar-card does not show correct event dates, just the actual date)

As with other smart home projects I am at the point where a “shiny” GUI is not shiny at all when it comes to robust implementation. You realise that the build-in widgets (like in ioBroker) are only a very minimalistic set and lacks any widgets which do more than showing numbers and text. A simple event list from your calendar? a timer/date control to set an alarm clock? Only via cumbersome add-ons, not maintained by the core developers resulting in the usual open-source mess.